Please Dan

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I need to update more..... This is just impov cause I have no idea what to write.

Dan's POV

"Come on Dan I can't hold it in anymore"

Phil has been begging me for like an hour to "come out"... It's honestly annoying and I'm starting to give in but I know I can't. The fans...and my dad watches me and Phil. Not for entertainment no no I don't think he has ever laughed. To make sure I'm not being gay or I'm not talking about him.

"Phil i-i can't"

"Dan we have to we can't keep it a secret forever"

"At least until my dad is dead"


I explained to him he didn't get why it was such a problem then after a moment of silence he suddenly looked sad. I knew he got it.

"Oh" he whispered

"Well screw him is really gonna come all the way to our place just to hit his son?"

"Probably.... Maybe a month or two just not now"

And months passed. Which turned into a year. A year with Phil. Still happily in love. The shipping has gotten worse. Well worse is not the word for us it's better it is beautiful. The phanart and phanfictions have been more erm detailed.

Me and my lion were scrolling the phan tag.

"That is not accurate" I blurted out

Phil immediately put his hand on his mouth in shock.

"Dan no"

"What's wrong with what I said it isn't it's way to big"

Phil looked embarrassed and playfully hit me.

We kept scrolling until we had enough.

"Sooooo I know this is sudden but do you want to come out now you said a month it's been a year"

"Sure I guess but tomorrow I'm too tired"

"Okay goodnight baby"

We kissed and he followed me to our room.

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