Chapter 2

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The school day drew to a close and she escaped the halls and ride home with Paul by using her own two feet sprinting back to her house. Once she was in the warmth, she ran up the stairs and swung open her bedroom door in search of a suitcase to pack her belongings

Grace packed the things that meant most to her. A photo frame of her mother and father, a teddy she had from her 3rd Christmas and her grandmother’s bracelet that was handed down to her before her passing. The meaningful objects were vacuum sealed into her neon pink case along with clothes, a stack of cash she had been saving for about 18 months and hygiene essentials. The timing was fortunate because her parents were stuck at work for a few more hours so now it was the time to get away without suspicion.

Grace pulled into a cab and avoided much small talk made by the driver. 10 minutes later and she was at her destination. The train station.

Grace warred against her suitcase bringing its handle up and angling it onto its wheels, and once it was finally in position she dashed to the ticket booth, purchasing a one way ticket to Albuquerque.

Grace kept squinting around the large room, checking to make sure no one that had already acquainted with her was in sight. She was lucky it just happened to tourists or middle aged strangers jetting to work.

She parked herself and her luggage on a squared bench, and she read her ticket and peered over at her watch to see when it was due.

“Your watch is wrong.” A deep voice announced and made Grace look up in fright. The friendly strangers perched himself next to her to correct her watch, and she sat still, open mouthed without rejecting or responding to he’s approach.

“I’m Daniel.” He said and snorted at Grace for not introducing herself. “I understand, you don’t feel like talking much, huh?” making her finally reactivate into the reality and look eyes down at him.

“Where are you heading off to?” he asked, still distressing Grace to make conversation.

“Albuquerque.” She muttered.

“What a coincidence, so am I” and he brought he’s briefcase closer to the shin of his leg and smiled down at Grace.

“So what’s your excuse for ditching school, and taking a train?” He said with a more humorous tone.

“I’m not ditching. Just trying to get away from hell.”

“You’re running away?!” He said with a louder more serious voice now.

“My boyfriend liked to beat me.” And Grace moved her head down lower in disgust and fear.

“Like bondage or abuse?” and she looked up with an angry eyed look.

“What do you think.” She said with more attitude.

“Mmm… Bondage?” he whispered close to her ear, making her dodge her head from his chilled breath and slight chuckle. Grace then started to shuffle away, but her move only made him come closer.

“I’m sorry, you just look so sad, and I wanted to cheer you up.” Daniel said and reached in to caress her cheek.

Grace felt good that he cared, so she scooted back to her original place and a smile grew to her face.

The 16:02 train to Albuquerque will be leaving shortly.’ A robotic voice called out in the atmosphere.

“We best get a move on.” Daniel said as he stood up and offering a hand to Grace. She accepted he’s gesture of kindness and they settle in on the train, aiming to get comfortable and socialise throughout the journey.

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