Chapter 3

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Grace's eyes opened up and after correcting her blurred sight, she shot up off the mattress and followed a smell of crispy bacon and a humming noise. Once she was on her feet, she realised her naked body in a long floor mirror and gasped. How did she get undressed? Did she have sex with Daniel? She questioned to herself and she quickly ran to her suitcase, to see it had already been unpacked. She looked over at a wooden sliding wardrobe to see a long rail of clothing, mostly some she hadn't ever owned.

Grace decided on a floral dress that went just above the knee, and she wore a very obvious bra and panties that became highly noticeable through the now transparent frock.

She never bothered to glance at herself in the mirror but hurdled down a staircase and into a large modern kitchen. There stood in front of her was Daniel, bending over putting something in the oven. Grace couldn't keep her stunned eyes off of his perfectly plump bottom and muscle toned back shown beneath a striped apron he was wearing. Only wearing in fact. She cleared her throat to grab his attention and he quickly straightened his back.

"Morning." He said and he walked over and held her by the waist giving her one heck of kiss.

"Hi." and she gave him a confused look once he moved back to flip over the bacon.

"You look sexy, just like last night" he lied.

Daniel had planned to indoctrinate Grace into thinking they had sex and that she told him that she was head over heels in love with him. Which was untrue and her confusion and his overpowering control started to get the best of her.

"What exactly happened last night?" she groaned and rubbing her head.

"You definitely are a screamer." Daniel stated and made Grace gasp. "and you said I tasted good."

"I don't remember any of this." Grace said now in panic mode.

"A few too many glasses I would say. Don't you remember any of it?" and then he leaned in for a hug.

"I don't..." and Grace turned glassy eyed.

"Not even my cock, that you sucked on and then begged me to fuck you hard?" he lied.

"I said that?" and he nodded whilst kissing her neck.

"Maybe. We should.. Do it ..again?" Daniel suggested kissing along her neck to her shoulders.

"I don't know. I think it's best if I leave now."

Daniel didn't want he's precious new toy to leave as fast as that, so he tried everything he could just to pull her back in.

".. and where may you stay?" Daniel said now sounding angry.

"I have money."

"Not any more."

"You stole my money!" and then Grace pushed his chest making Daniel off balance. .

"Not until you remember."

"Remember what?"

"I'll tell you what." and Daniel had a cunning plan to place her in the palm of he's hands within an instant. "We play. I'll be master, you can be my slave. Then, you can have your stuff back and go, IF you don't enjoy it. Fair?"

"Erhh. Not really." Grace called out with a lot more attitude than usual which surprised Daniel.

"Try it." and he swept a gentle caress across her arm making her on edge and weaken a little.


"Do you want to eat first? Or have it when it's cold?"

"I don't care."

The Runaway Slave Part 1Where stories live. Discover now