Chapter 11

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This is only a small chapter.. sorry! but I got some juicy stuff coming up! xx

Silver City Police Department

Stranks took a break to recover from he's accusations he made at Paul. He could be wrong, he thought to himself, but like Betsy, he had that gut feeling that Paul had some sort of activity with this case.

He strolled to the Nescafe coffee machine and ordered he's usual espresso and rubbed he's forehead and creased he's eyes. A mattress was on he's mind. He seated himself on a wooden cafeteria chair, and just as he took he's first sip, Detective Mains came over and joined him.

“Hey, hows the case of the missing girl?” Mains said, sounding pretty concerned.

“Well.. I think the boyfriend did it.”

“You seem pretty certain.” Mains chuckled and slurped he's juice.

“Yeah, he has history of anger management and he knew that she was getting distant with him.”

“So.. you think she had an affair, and he got angry?” Mains asked.

“Jackpot!” Stranks called, and Mains and Stranks gave each other a half smile.

“Do you think we should bring him in for a lie detector?” Mains asked.

“Nahh. I think you and I both know he's full of shit and he needs to be skipped in a cell.”

“We need evidence.” Mains said, now slightly frustrated for the lack of care.

“True. But, he's our best option if we are to execute this well.”

“And if he's innocent..?” Mains yelled over Stranks.

“Look! I know he is the one. He has the look in he's eye.” Stranks shouted and turned red with fury.

“Do the test!”

“I'll get more evidence..” and Stranks got up from he's seat and walked back to he's desk.

* * * * *

“Adam. Well, now that Grace is missing, my mind triggers back to the scene when I last saw her..” and she looked at her hands and started twiddling her thumbs waiting for a response.

“do you know something?” Adam said, and peered up at her.

“Well, I remember her being angry when she came down the stairs before she left for school. Paul said that she had begun her time of the month... but, then I thought back to two weeks before, because I bought towels and tampons for her, when she asked for them.”

“I don't understand...” Adam said with a confused expression.

“Well.. you are a man! But, a period only comes once a month. So, Paul must of lied, and did or said something to upset her.”

“You need to tell Stranks! If that dweeb has touched my daughter so help me! ...” and Betsy hushed him down back to he's recliner seat.

“I'll call Stranks.” Betsy whispered and then went for the phone.

After Betsy gave her word of what happened to the police, Stranks now had more of a motive to have Paul locked up. Which was exactly what he did.

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