Chapter 5

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283 miles away, in Albuquerque.

"Morning." Daniel said, yawning and reaching in to kiss Grace on the forehead.

"Hi" She whispered back in a husky voice.

Daniel began clothing himself and smiled at Grace when she sat up on the mattress.

"Where are you going?"

"I have to work. You can stay."

"What can I do?"

"Now. Now. No more questions." And he pinched the tip of her nose and dashed out the door.

Grace pulled herself out of bed and again could feel her exposed body which shivered. She rummaged in the wardrobe and hung a large blue shirt over her erect breasts that were transparent through the cotton.

Rubbing her eyes back to normal vision, she headed down the stairs carefully gripping the staircase, trying not to lose balance. She was lucky to not, and when she stood at the foot of the stairs she walked past the strange paintings she had looked at previously and strutted into the open plan kitchen linked with the dining room.

Waffles or Porridge? She thought to herself. "Oooh Pancakes!" she squealed in her mind, and opted for just that, saturated in lemon and sugar.

Grace tracked the cutlery draw and strolled into the mahogany wood dining room, and stabbed her fork into her grub. Just had she lifted a spoonful of delight to her mouth, a crack of a key echoed to her ears and Daniel walked back inside.

"Well..Well..Well." and he walked to towards her, knowing what was to be necessary. "Why are you eating?"

"I'm hungry." She muffled after stuffing a fragment of the overly sweet mix into her mouth.

"Did I give you permission to eat?"


"No what?" Daniel yelled out creasing he's brows.

Grace giggled in confusion.

"No what!?" He clamoured.

"I don't know what you want me to say." and Grace sniggered, turning back to her plate and rolling her eyes up at he's overdramatic outburst.

Again, before Grace could take one more bite into her now cold pancakes, Daniel gripped her neck firmly and moved in close to her ear.

Grace tried to pull him off, but it was no use.

"You will address me as your master. Understood?"

"Get the fuck off of me you creep!" She screamed out in fear.

To her rude comment, Daniel shook her a little and hustled her down to the freshly polished wood.

"You will follow my demands." He roared with rage.

He removed he's hand from her now reddened neck and looked down at her panting and overwhelmed pressed against the floorboards. Grace again tried picking herself up, but failed when Daniel pressured he's leather boot on the small of her back, restricting her.

"Now you listen to me, and listen to me good. If I tell you to do something you will do it, if you do not comply with an obedient response, I shall whip you to smithereens. That goes as well as doing what you feel like." He beamed in a very loud tone, enough to cover the whimpers that swept from her throat. "Do you understand?" and he leaned his right ear closer to hear her response.

"Yes master.." she yelped and tears crumbled from the corners of her crystal blue eyes from the pain digging into her spine.

"Up." And he placed his foot onto the floor boards again, and waited for her to approach him at an eye to eye view.

"You will be punished for two things. One, wearing my clothes and two, for eating."

He pinched the cotton and the nipple too. Grace inhaled sharply and gazed into his dark eyes.

Grace felt aroused by his infliction, and annoyed at the same time. She chose to proceed with his little act of Master/Slave.

As Daniel towed Grace down to the basement which was below the conservatory out back, he paused for moment to unlock the pass code and once they were inside, Grace looked around, but there wasn't much she could see. The light was dying out of its flickering state and she was beginning to depend on daylight for her to see.

"This is where you will go, when you are naughty." Daniel bellowed, and then began unbuttoning the blue shirt.

"I don't understand what I did wrong.." and confusion was written all over her face.

Daniel ignored her idiotic interpretation and buckled her down to the concrete. Grace cried a little but he abolished it from his ears. He chose not to say anymore, because he didn't want a reaction or silly questioning from her lips.

With his large hands he grazed his knuckle along her tear drenched cheeks and in her response, her lips parted and she budged away which only made him lean in closer. Daniel forced his muscular body over hers and puckered a wet kiss upon her neck and worked his way down to her navel. Grace didn't move this time, but her eyes creased shut and she breathed heavily to his cold damp tickles that danced on her skin.

Daniel stood up, and he felt so thrilled to ponder at the thought of taking her again, but his mind determined him into punishing her. So he grew back on to his feet and unzipped the fly to a pair of grey slacks he wore. Over her nude, pale and blemish free body he sprayed acidic urine over her and once his bladder was at ease, he veiled his cock once again. Grace felt nauseated by his alternative and the pungent scent wisped to her nostrils making her want to heave. Daniel smirked and then left the room, slamming the door shut and sealing the lock. The fading light from the bulb above her, gave up only minutes later and she couldn't do anything but weep and shiver as a blast of chills swept against her soaked skin.

Daniel felt awful for how badly he mistreated her minutes ago, but deep down he knew that she had to be disciplined if he wanted her to be a good slave. He hung the key on a hook in the hallway and sprinted up the stairs to he's office. Once he perched himself in a leather recliner he held up a notepad rested on the end table beside him, and he open up the centre page to make notes about Grace. The first half of the hardback book was filled with drawings and capital lettered notes about her and all he's hoped for plans. Daniel's fingers skipped through the beige paper and he came across the photo's she had packed when she ran away. In the image, was her mother and father standing and then Grace kneeling between them, they were all smiling in unison and Daniel stroked he's index finger down the shot of Grace.

All of a sudden, Daniel heard a knock at the door..

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