Chapter 12

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: adriana10

Stranks had finally caught up with tracking with that phone call Grace made, and straight away phoned Betsy and Adam to let them know.

“Hello?” Betsy called out.

“Hello, it's Deputy Stranks from the Silver City Police Department. We have good news.”

“Have you found her?” she asked, and Adam raised to he's feet and moved closer to listen in.

“We know where she made the phone call, and we have already made phone calls to the local station down there and we should be unleashing a search time sometime later today.”

“Okay. Well hurry! Bring her home!” Betsy chanted and a wide smile grew on her face. She had hope.

*            *            *

Daniel laid on he's bed with he's head buried between he's soft white pillow. He thought about Grace, and felt bad for mistreating her, but knew that she had to obey.

4:06am and he still laid wide awake. Watching the game on he's flat screen didn't bore him to death enough! And he's mind was still set on Grace. He couldn't deal with her for much longer!

First she disturbed his wrinkle bag neighbour, then she smashed the glass ornament handed down to him from he's grandmother and she also entered rooms without permission and then thieved what he had. The only option left was to sell her. He couldn't let her go back to the old life she once lived. She had to start over, and be a slave for another master, and he knew just the guy.

He pulled out he's iphone and text his friend, despite it being 4am.

Hey, sorry I haven't been in contact with you for so long. Being training a new slave of mine, but she doesn't meet my standards. Do you want?”

He sighed in relief after he placed the phone back on its charging hook and turned on he's side to fall asleep, in ease.

Just as Daniel was to close he's eyes, he received another message..

Need details. What does she look like? Limits? Naughty or nice?” and Daniel dropped he's phone as he passed out, still wearing he's tux.

The next morning, Grace woke up aching from head to toe and when she grasped the edging of the now put out fireplace. She pulled herself up and saw the reflection of her bruised skin above the fire.

Grace gasped in shock but didn't touch the damage. She limped over to the back door and tried to open it, with the remains of her strength. She spent about 15 minutes trying out countless keys. Seven more keys were to be tested in the lock, and she dropped them once a footstep encountered her ear drum. Her fingers shook like crazy and her heart raced heavily just to be out of this hell hole.

Finally! The key turned and she sprinted out the door, but forgot about the height of the fencing. 'Y.O.L.O' she said to herself and she pushed her crippled body against the fence and forced her leg up to make her go higher. Damn. Splinters suck!

She was nearly catching sight of the other side until.. a cough drew her attention and she fell in panic, once she quickly worked out it was Daniel.

Grace fell on her back, and it didn't compare to the pain she had already suffered. Daniel cast he's shadow against her and then bent down to her level.

“You trying to run?” and he stroked her face.

“Get the fuck away from me!” she just about made out.

“You shouldn't be so angry. I have a surprise for you.” and he smiled at her.

“Did you hear what I ..” and she choked trying to get a louder voice.

The Runaway Slave Part 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें