Chapter 7

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Daniel and Grace set up early the next morning. He slouched into the leather recliner with a newspaper in his hands.

"Grace!" he called out, and she hurried in to meet at his intense gaze.

"Yes master." and Daniel smiled for she was beginning to learn.

"Come here." he said with a husky tone and pointed to the floor.

Grace fell to her knees and her lips could not hold her thoughts in for much longer.

"Am I your slave?" and Daniel's eyes widened. He ignored her and carried on reading the sports page but, inside he's heart was pounding with fear. He didn't want her to get scared and runaway like she did with Paul.

".. I know you like that rough stuff.." she stuttered looking down at her hands. She started rubbing his feet hoping it could release tension.

"Do you now?" he replied with a sharp tone and scrunched the paper to his knees.

Grace buried her sight to the floor the smell of the leather from his boots lingered to her nostrils, which reminded her of the unforgotten night she spent with Daniel.

In Daniels mind he knew he had to get up to date with his secret diary, so he set onto he's feet in an instant "I have to make a business call." He explained and then he darted up to his office, leaving Grace stranded on the laminate.

He launched into he's wheely black seat and attended to his list of doings. He skipped past 7 pages of photographs and locks of DNA all from Grace, and eventually turned to the page he applied himself to.


Approach Grace

Make her enter the house

Allow her to spend a night

Show her the playroom and punishment room

Land her

Take her out

Remove parents from the equation


Drop the bomb

(Underline means complete.)

He then flipped back a page and began stroking a lock of gold hair he swiped from her head, and he smiled in thought of taking her again. Several minutes later, he drew out a draw filled with her belongings from her bag she brought. He started skimming through the dollar notes. 600 bucks. She wouldn't of lasted a day, he thought.

As he tucked back the cash and turned the lock on the draw he heard something fall down and he fast forwarded his speed and rushed down to see what the issue was.

"I'm sorry!" Grace yelled and she fell to her knees to gather the pieces of broken glass, and minutes later she knew that was a bad idea when shards caught her palms and blood trickled down her arm, leaving even more mess.

Daniel looked down at her in disgrace and fury and walked over towards another shelf of ornaments displayed.

"You know, what you have just broke there, used to be my great grandmother's." he murmured.

Grace looked up with her hands out and mouth open in shock. Guilt flooded her veins and her speech did not depart from her cracked lips.

"This to was hers..." and he picked up a tall turquoise vase that had swirls of orange around it's edging. "Did you want to break this as well?" He said in a sarcastic and low tone.

"N.. No..." and Grace shook her head and gave him innocent eyes as he strode towards the culprit.

"I want every single piece of glass picked up from this floor. After you have finished, I will bring the first aid kit and bandage you up." Daniel instructed and then he waltzed out of the room.

In the back of Grace's mind, she was glad that he said he would bandage her up and not bondage.

Grace gathered as much as she could and she gritted her teeth and shut her eyes tightly as she tried to ignore the excruciating pain that pounded from her wounded hands.

She cried out once more when she attempted to pick up the tiny shimmers of the ruins of the glass object, and Daniel barged through with antiseptic, bowls, tweezers, band aids and water.

"You did a good job." he said with a soft voice and stroked her face, and then he began mending her.

"Thank you master." she whispered and she gazed up into his eyes but flinched when the antiseptic soon set to work.

"It's going to be okay." and he gave her a reassuring smile and held her close once her hand could start to heal and stay free from infection.

Daniel thought about making his next step with grace. Taking her out. He was going to lavish her with gifts, and charm he's way into her heart once more, so that she would feel deeply in love with him. He grinned to himself, to know that his plan was coming along so nicely.

"I want to take you to a dance." Daniel said proudly, and Grace looked stunned.

"I can't dance..." and her head fell to the floor in embarrassment. Daniel tilted her chin up and rubbed his nose against hers.

"I'll teach you." He whispered and they both smiled.

"Okay. But, I don't have anything to wear." she said as an excuse.

"I'll choose something from your vast collection I stored in your wardrobe."

"What if I don't like what you choose." Grace whined out.

"You will wear what I tell you to." Daniel said gritting he's teeth, urging not to break out in anger.

Grace simply nodded and tightened her arms around him, in a way to thank him for his generosity and kindness, which seemed rare.

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