Chapter 34

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"Mummy! Mummy! Wake up!" Luna jumped on the foot of the bed, "Mummy! Daddy!"

"Come here," Xenophilius grabbed the girl around the waist and pulled her into a tight embrace.

"Daddy, you're smushing me," Luna squirmed to get away.

"Shhh," Pandora groaned, "Luna, what have we said about the moon."

"When the moon is awake I have to be quiet," Luna giggled, "shhhhh."

"Is the moon awake?" Xenophilius asked.

"Yes," Luna whispered, "don't tell Mummy."

"I think Mummy can hear you, Little One," Pandora smiled, rolling over to face her grinning toddler. "You know Mr. Moon gets very sad when your loud."

Luna clamped her mouth shut.

"Go to sleep, Love" Pandora smiled, reaching over to brush a stay hair out of her eyes.

"Ok, Mummy," Luna whispered, closing her big bluebell eyes.

Xenophilius and Pandora shared a smile.

"I love you," Xenophilius whispered.

"I love you," Pandora closed her eyes, settling back into her pillow.

"Marry me?"

Her eyes snapped open and she stared at him with wide eyes.

"Yes," she said, surprising herself.

"One day—" Xenophilius's eyes doubled in size, "Dora? Did you just say yes?"

"Yes," Pandora grinned, "but I don't want a wedding, okay? Nothing big, we can just go to the Ministry and fill out the paperwork."

"You said yes," Xenophilius laughed, "Dora! You finally said yes!"

"Hush, you Loon," Pandora snorted, "you're going to wake Luna."

"You said you'd marry me," he whispered, reaching out to grab her hand, "are you sure?"

"If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't have said yes," Pandora squeezed his hand, "go to sleep, Xeno."

"Can we go tomorrow?" He asked.

"If you'd like," Pandora closed her eyes again, listening to the even breaths of her daughter.

A few hours later she was woken again.

"Go get Mummy, Loo," Xenophilius whispered, sending the four year old in first.

"Mummy," Luna threw herself on Pandora, wrapping her arms around her torso, "Mr. Moon's asleep."

"I see that," Pandora yawned, sitting up.

"And Daddy's made Mummy some breakfast," Xenophilius grinned, setting a tray on Pandora's lap, he leaned down to kiss her.

"No," Pandora covered her lips, "let me brush my teeth."

She picked Luna up off her lap and set her down beside her on the bed before rushing to the loo to brush her teeth.

"You've ruined the idea of breakfast in bed," Xenophilius whispered as she came back.

"I hardly think so," Pandora smiled against his lips, "good morning."

He kissed her again, "morning, Love."

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