Chapter 22

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Unknown pov:

SMASH! the breaking of my whiskey glass as I threw it across the room. "What do you mean those fuckers failed the job AND we had moles in the group sending information to our enemies!". Those fuckers failed the job to kill the Rocco family except Lila, they wasn't supposed to harm her but those moles screwed the job up and attacked Lila which meant our attack was a failure. 

"Boss, we are sorry that the attack was a failure and we had moles working in it", "Sorry, FUCKING SORRY! YOU ARE!" I said and chuckled coldly at the end, " YOU SHOULD BE SORRY BECAUSE YOUR PAYING WITH YOUR OWN BLODDLY LIFE!" I said then shot the guard between his eyes. From the corner I could see the others shaking in fear. I moved my gun to the next one before I could pull the trigger he said clearly stuttering in fright, "B-Boss w-we should u-p-gra-de o-our g-g-guards b-bec-ause t-the e-enemies c-c-could a-at-tack s-soon s-since t-they h-heard our p-p-plans", I smirked at his fright but then thought closely enough to remember that the moles knew our plans and when the guards would be on the lowest so they could attack anytime. I chuckled humorlessly and said coldly, "That's the best thing I have heard from your mouth since you have been here for 2 YEARS".

"I will spare all of your lives because we can't go low on men but if you screw up the next mission your dead get it!", "NOW GET OUT!" I said before they could say anything as they rush out of the office like a mouse running from a cat. I sat back down in my chair as I rubbed my forehead, if the enemies attack then we will definitely lose now so that means I can't attack the Rocco's, frustrated I got up and threw everything off my desk. I grabbed some of my chocolate brown hair and pulled it out of frustration. Why? Why? everything can't be true of what 'he' said-unless 'he' is alive. Fucking ALIVE 'he' faked his death to do this shit. I can't let 'him' win, I can't let his words become true. I walked out of my office and let my feet lead to 'her' to take out my anger she only reminds me of  Lila, my pain, my mistake, my horrors.

The smell of blood inflames my nostrils as I reached the basement and made my way to 'her'. I looked at the door numbers as I walked to find her cell, 114... 115... 116... 117...118 'her' cell."118" I mumbled under my breath. I kicked the cell door open and step in to see her in the corner awake from the loud bang the door made as I kicked it open. I close the door with my foot and walked up to her and said " You little shit!" I slapped her at the end. "Your bad luck for my business you MISTAKE!" I said then punched her in the stomach. Anger Anger was all I felt as I slapped, kicked and punch her everywhere.

After fully tormenting 'her' she was already passed out, I starred at her but I only saw Lila in her which I hated so FUCKING much. Lila.....Lila....just wait till the day come and I will kill you and your family in my own hands. Just wait......I'm coming

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