Chapter 23

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Lila's pov:       

                   Blood Blood Blood, everywhere you look you see BLOOD and DECAPTITATED HORRIFYING DEAD BODIES, you killed. Some doing it for their families we call those innocents and the ones who does hit to hurt people and for pleasure we call those guilty. But I don't even know if I am guilty or innocent. I was brought into this cruel world hurted, tortured and forced to do things against my will. I kill and hurt people for a living but also save people. So am I even innocent or guilty, or neither? I question myself everyday wondering who am I. When I know I will never get the answers because I was a nobody and will always be one. I have a family and friends, was that not enough? Was it? 

I question myself that everyday while holding my head high and a cold face. Under that cold mask is scars that litter my face, my body but most specially my heart. The one that was scarred the most that can never be fixed will be broken forever. I would be fixed if 'she' was here and the love of a father, My real father.

It broke me in and out when they first laid their hands on me, tears, screaming and pleads and begs was just wasted. But the one that was most wasted is hope. Fucking hope they would come to their senses and stop it all. Keep the demons away but they just brought it standing infront of your door step. Starring at you right in the eye showing you your deepest nightmares, y-your horrors. Screams, Tears and Begging was a cycle everyday. Father would come home and as soon as he sees me, hatred and anger built in him. Everytime we had a lose in our business he would blame it on me. Whips, Belts, Knives, Glass anything that could be use of torture anybody I had it all littering my body. But one on my body scares me everytime I see it, I remember being in that situation, I remember the pain, I remember the screams, I remember the tears and I REMEMBER THE PLEADS......YET THEY PAID NO HEED TO IT NOR STOP, ONLY LAUGH,SMILE AND SMIRK AT MY PAIN.........THEY WERE MONSTERS THAT LIVED UNDER YOUR BED,CLOSET AND WALLS, EVERYWHERE THEY WERE WATCHING YOU, STARRING INTO YOUR SOULS, LIKE A HAWK

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