Chapter 3

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Since our encounter last week I haven't heard from Maurice, maybe he just lost interest? I was sitting at my vanity taking my makeup off. The sun had just set so it was around 7. 'Knock knock.' I hear at my window. I quickly lock my bedroom door and run over to the window. I pull the curtains back to see Maurice sitting on the piece of roof below my window.

I push the window open and I crawl out. "Hi." I say sitting down next to him. "Hi El." He says smiling. "I was worried you'd forgotten about me." I say laughing. "I could never forget you." He says beaming. I tuck my knees up to my chest because of the cold. "I have an idea.. um maybe we can go by my house? My brothers are there I think." He says. "Ok." I whisper. "I'll grab my jacket." I say crawling back through the window.

I put my jacket on and crawl back through the window and shut it. We climbed down the trellis and walked to his car. "So who were you expecting to call you that day I called?" He asks not taking his eyes off the road. "Oh just some guy I literally ran into when I was going to a date my mom set up." I say laughing.

"Did he ever call you?" He asks. "Nope." I say looking down. "Well he's missing out on the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." He says. Thank you." I whisper blushing. "May I ask why your mom is pressuring you to go on dates?" He asks. "My 19 year old cousin is getting married in a month. So she thinks I need to too." I say.

"19? That just seems so young to marry." He says. "I agree, she just keeps saying I have to marry a good man from a good family with money so I'm not like her. It drives me crazy. She hates the music I listen to so that's why we have to keep this a secret for now." I say.

"I understand." He says as we pull into his driveway. "She's also pressuring me to find a guy before the wedding so I have a plus 1." I say. "I can be your plus 1." He says looking over at me. "Wait that might actually work." I say smiling. "When is it?" He asks. "November 17th." I say. "Ok I'll clear my schedule for that day." He says smiling.

We got out of the car and went inside the house. "Mo?" I hear a voice yell. "Yep and I brought someone." Maurice says. "Who?" I hear another voice ask. "Elisa Weaver." Maurice says. "Like THE ELISA WEAVER?" He says. "Yes." Maurice says embarrassed.

I see a man walk out of the kitchen and come up to us, Barry Gibb. And another running down the hall towards us, Robin Gibb. "Hi there, very nice to meet you. Maurice has been non stop talking about you!" Robin says shaking my hand. "Very nice to meet you." I say giggling. I look over to see Maurice as red as a tomato.

"Robin is right, very nice to meet you Elisa." Barry says. "I'm a huge fan of your music." I say starstruck. "She is, she has all of our albums." Maurice says. "We actually have an insane amount of copies of our new album if you'd like one." Barry says. "Maurice actually gave me a signed one before it was released. Why do you have so many?" I ask.

"We buy our own records. Its how you get on the charts." Robin says. We all went over and sat on the couch.

"When we were kids Robin and Barry were arsons." Maurice says laughing. "Oh yes we set fire to a mans dream home once. But he was on holiday so it was ok." Robin says. "I was just the cameraman." Maurice says. "I bet you kept your parents on their toes." I say laughing. "We definitely did." Barry says.

"Were you at the concert?" Robin asks. "Yes I was actually. Front row." I say smiling. "They were a little too high to recognize you." Maurice says laughing. "No we weren't." Robin says. "Ok pilly." Maurice says. "Soooo what did your parents think about all of their kids being singers?" I ask to diffuse the tension.

"Oh not all of the kids are, there's 5 of us." Robin says. "Really?" I ask. "Mhm we have an older sister, Lesley and a younger brother, Andy." Barry says. "Do they live here?" I ask. "Lesley is in Australia and Andy lives with mom and dad." Maurice says. "Wow you have a big family." I say.

"Do you have siblings?" Barry asks. "I have an older brother, he's a musician." I say. "Oh wow, what does he play?" Maurice asks. "Keyboard." I say. "He's in a band I think, or trying to join a band. I'm not sure he's not home a lot." I say. "Well if he's not in a band, let us know. We might just be looking for a keyboardist." Barry says.

"I will, I definitely will. Thank you." I say. We stayed there talking until around 10. "Maurice I have to get back home." I say. "I'm sorry I don't mean to be rude but I snuck out." I say. "Ohhhh we've gotta trouble maker." Robin says. "Thank you so much I had a great time tonight." I say laughing. I grab my jacket and Maurice and I walk to his car.

"Tonight was wonderful, thank you so much." I say. "Hey I had a great time too, I hope my brothers weren't too harsh." Maurice says. "Not at all." I say. "Make sure to tell your brother about the offer." Maurice says. "I definitely will." I say. He parked the car a block away and we started walking up to the house.

"Did you ever get ahold of that Colin Peterson guy?" I ask as we walk through my yard. "Nope, he's the drummer for The Bee Gees. I think Barry was able to contact him though." Maurice says. We climbed up the trellis and I climbed through the window. "I'm very glad I called the wrong number." He whispers as he kisses my knuckles.

"Me too." I whisper as I blush madly. "Goodnight El." He says. "Goodnight Maurice." I say. I watch from the window as he climbs down the trellis and through the yard, once he becomes out of sight I close the window and curtains. "Oh my gosh...." I whisper as I lay on my bed. I changed into my pajamas and brushed my hair before heading back to bed.

After laying there awake for awhile I reached for the phone and it immediately started ringing. "Can't sleep?" Maurice says. "Nope." I say laughing. "Did your mom catch you?" Maurice asks. "Thankfully no." I say. "I don't know how I'm going to explain to her that my plus one for the wedding is Maurice Gibb." I say laughing. "Maybe she won't recognize me?" Maurice says.

"Shes seen my albums, I don't think she'll think your just some guy." I say. 'Knock knock.' "I'll call you back." I say before hanging up. "Yeah mom?" I ask. "Can I come in?" She asks. "Sure." I say. I sit up in bed and she walks in, she immediately sets a small piece of fabric down on my bed. "I found another date for you, for tomorrow night. He comes from a good family and he's willing to come to the wedding if he likes you. You need to wear this dress so watch what you eat tomorrow and at the date." She says before she leaves the room.

I pick the dress up to reveal a knee length velvet very very fitted dress. I set the dress down and picked up the phone. "Hi sorry my mom walked in." I say with a sigh. "Is everything ok?" Maurice asks. "Yeah... she just set me up on another date for tomorrow. She said he'd take me to the wedding if he likes me." I say. "You haven't told her yet?" Maurice asks.

"I don't plan to tell her until right before the wedding." I say. "El I'm worried about you." He says. "I'm ok don't worry about me, I'll just scare the guy away tomorrow night." I say laughing. "When can I see you again?" He asks. "Tomorrow, after the date." I say. "When is that?" Maurice asks. "9. I'll hopefully be leaving the date by 8:30." I say laughing. "8:30? Wow you really must hate him." Maurice says.

I just laugh. "What restaurant?" Maurice asks. "Bristol." I say. "Ok." He whispers. "Get some sleep El, we'll talk tomorrow." He says. "Goodnight Maurice." I say before hanging up. "Goodnight Elisa." He says.

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Stay groovy!
Published 11/20/21
Word count: 1515

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