Chapter 5

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I woke up to the bright sun shining through the window, I rolled over so I was facing away from the window. My pillow felt weird though. It was oddly hard and warm. I opened my eyes peering up through my eyelashes to see a sleeping Maurice, I quickly looked down to make sure I still had my clothes on and I did, he did too. "Phew." I sigh.

I leaned back and started closing my eyes again, I quickly sat up at the sound of mom knocking on my door. "Coming mom!" I yell frantically. I noticed Maurice woke up so I carefully put my hand over his mouth and dragged him over to my closet, shutting the door behind him. I ran over to my door and opened it to see mom holding a plate and a glass of orange juice.

"Here's breakfast." She says handing me the plate. "Thanks." I say. "You have a date tonight." She says before I shut the door. "I hate you." I whisper. I set the plate on my vanity and I sink to the floor letting my emotions take over. "El.." Maurice whispers as he walks towards me. "S-sorry I'm ok." I say wiping my eyes with my sleeve.

"You aren't ok, I'm worried about you." He says. Just hearing he was worried about me made me feel better, someone cared about me and not just my future. "Thank you.." I whisper. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug. "Ok I'm going to stay with you today until you have to leave and then I'll come back after your date." He says.

"First thing's first, you need to eat." He says handing me the plate of bacon and eggs. "You need to eat too." I say setting the plate between us. We sat there and ate and just enjoyed each other's company. "Second thing, while I was hiding out in your closet I saw this and I think you would look gorgeous wearing this." He says holding up a black turtleneck sweater.

I stood up and set it on my bed and dug through my closet finding a brown pencil skirt and black tights. "What do you think?" I ask. "I love it. Your date is going to pass out when he sees you." Maurice says. When it was time to get ready I went into my bathroom to change and then came back to my room to curl my hair and do my makeup.

I wore white gogo boots with it. "Ok I'll see you after the date." Maurice says. "Ok." I say kissing him on the cheek before closing the window. I left my room and headed downstairs and headed to my car. I got to the restaurant and it was just a normal date. I asked for the check at 8:30 and I was about to get in my car when uh oh. I locked my keys in the car.

I sighed and started walking home. These boots were not made for walking. That's when the first raindrop hits my head. Shit.

After walking for about an hour I was a block away from my house when I saw a familiar car sitting at its normal spot, as I got closer Maurice jumped out of the car and jogged over to me. "Oh my gosh I was so worried something happened to you, why are you walking?" He says over the sound of the pouring rain. "Keys locked in car." I say shivering.

He throws his coat around me and we start walking to my house. "Ok I'll climb the trellis and you go in through the front door." He says as we get to my driveway. I nod. I walk to the front door and up the stairs, losing my balance a few times before making it to my room. I immediately lock my door and walk over opening the window.

"Elisa you need to get your clothes off, you're all cold and wet." He says. I start feeling dizzy and thankfully he caught me before I hit the floor. "Elisa please you're going to get really sick." He says now starting to panic. "Maurice I don't feel good." I say. "I'm going to take your clothes off and I'll help you put on warm dry clothes, is that ok? I won't look." He says.

I nod and he starts by taking my boots off and then my shirt. This entire time he was looking up out of respect. He got everything off and then put my pajamas on me. "I'm going to pick you up and put you in bed." He says before placing one arm underneath my knees and the other on my back. He lifted me and put me in bed.

"Do you still have the clothes you took from my house?" He asks as he pulls my blanket over me. "Mhm." I say pointing towards my dresser. He opened the top drawer and pulled out his sweatshirt and pants. "I'll change in there." He says pointing towards my closet. A few minutes later he came back in carrying a pile of his rain soaked clothes.

"You have a fever." He says putting his hand on my forehead. He sat down on the floor right next to my bed and held my hand and stroked my cheek with the other. "I'm cold." I say. "You have all the blankets on you already." He says with a nervous smile. My eyes began to feel heavy so I closed them. "El get some rest." He says.

I woke up the next morning not feeling much better, as I opened my eyes I was immediately met by Maurice tired eyes. "Maurice your still here?" I ask. "Of course, you were really sick last night." He says. "Thank you for staying." I say. "Are you feeling any better?" He asks. "Not really." I say. He puts his hand on my forehead. "Your fever is a little better but its still there." He says.

"How do you know I have a fever?" I ask. "I had to learn, I have a little brother." He says. I covered my mouth as I coughed. "Elisa I think we need to tell your mom, you aren't getting better." He says. "We can't." I say. "Please Elisa you're really sick." He says. And just like that we heard a knock at the door. We both quickly looked at each other before the doorknob turned.

"I thought I locked it?" I asked. "I unlocked it." He says. I looked over to see mom with wide eyes and her mouth open. "Mom I know how this looks but he's just my friend." I say. I see Maurice's face sadden out of the corner of my eyes. "Hi ma'am, I'm Maurice Gibb. Your daughter locked her keys in her car last night and had to walk home from her date in the rain last night, she has a fever and seems to be pretty ill." Maurice says walking over to her.

"If you're such good friends why I have I not heard about you?" Mom asks. "I know how you'd react so I've been sneaking him in through the window." I say confidently. "You- you have been sneaking a boy, a man in your room?" She says with her hand over her chest. "Yes mom I have! He seems to be the only person that cares about me." I say standing up.

I start to feel dizzy and my head hurting and I immediately fall back on my bed. "Ma'am please she's not doing good." Maurice says on the verge of tears. "Get out of my house. Both of you." She says. "You can come get your things some other time, just get out." She yells pointing towards the door.

Maurice picked me up and carried me down the stairs and to his car. "I'm taking you to the hospital." Maurice says driving. "Please just take me to a hotel or somewhere I can sleep." I say.

Well he didn't listen. He took me to the hospital and turns out I'm pretty damn sick. They admitted me into the hospital to monitor me overnight and then I have to leave, with no idea where to go. "Maurice go home and get some rest, you look like you haven't slept in days." I say. "Elisa I'm ok, when we get back to my place I'll sleep." He says. "Your place?" I ask.

"My offer still stands if you want to stay with me until you're back on your feet." He says. "Are you sure?" I ask. "Very." He says smiling. "Thank you." I say.

"This hospital is boringggg they don't have any tv or anything!" I say. "Well it looks like the 'happy' meds they gave you are working." Maurice says laughing. "When we show up to the wedding we are going to be hot and mom will be veeeeeeeery jealous." I say. "We will." Maurice says laughing. "Maybe this will cure your boredom." Maurice says grabbing a Walkman from his bag as well as a cassette. He presses play and lets the music fill the room.

"I love this song!" I say as Holiday plays. "I always feel left out during this song." Maurice says. "Haha loser." I say.  After listening to a few more cassette tapes, I fell asleep.

I woke up to my nurse walking into the room. "Hi Elisa, you can head home. Your vitals all look good so I'll get the discharge papers all signed so you and your boyfriend can get out of here." She says smiling. "Oh he's not my boyfriend but thank you very much." I say. She nods and shuts the door behind her.

Maurice woke up around noon as I was signing the discharge papers and the doctor was explaining the antibiotics. "And Mo we can leave!" I say as they take my IV out. "Woohoo!" Maurice cheers. Thankfully we didn't unpack anything and I was still in my clothes from yesterday so we immediately headed out to his car.

"Thank you for bringing me here, I feel a lot better." I say with a small laugh. "Told ya so." He says smiling. As soon as we got to his house he showed me to my room and let me get settled.

Hey!! Lots of important things happened this chapter, I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, follow, share and comment! Follow me on instagram @aneverlastinglove_wattpad
Stay groovy!
Published 12/1/21
Word count: 1765

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