Chapter 4

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Today has sucked, I woke up, went to eat breakfast which was denied by mom so I ate an apple and then just listened to albums in my room until it was time to get dressed. I slipped the dress on and thankfully it zipped up, I did a glam makeup look like mom asked and I curled my hair. "Oh no way he'll say no to you. You better stay on your best behavior." Mom says.

"I will." I whisper. She set my shoes by my closet and I put them on before heading to the car. After the 30 minute drive I made it to the restaurant. "I can do this... just scare him away enough but not too much." I mumble to myself. I grabbed my purse and went to the table I was told to. "Wait.. I ran into the other day didn't I?" I say.

"Oh thats how I know you." He says as I sit down. "Yeah you never called me, thanks for not." I whisper. "What?" He asks. "Nothing." I say. We looked over our menu and the waiter came over. "Hi um I'll have the grilled chicken and-" "Isn't that too much for you? She'll just have a side salad." He says after ordering his meal.

"I'm going to use the restroom." He says standing up. I sat at the table eating my salad until I saw someone sit in front of me. "You just going to ignore me?" I hear a familiar voice say. I quickly look up to see Maurice. "Maurice what are you doing here?" I ask. "Oh just popping in." He says taking a bite of the steak in front of him.

"He's going to come back." I say with my head down. "Oh don't worry about him." Maurice says. I quickly looked up at him with wide eyes. "How about we pay and ditch this place?" He asks. "Ok." I say. He paid and we left, we got in his car and started driving. "I think there's a sweatshirt in the backseat if you're cold." He says.

I quickly reach back and grab the sweatshirt and put it on. "Gosh these heels hurttttt." I say slipping them off. "Wanna go to my house again?" Maurice asks. "Please." I say laughing. "This feels like a heist." I say. "Well I don't think I was stealing you, if you want to go back I can drive you back. But I'd love if you'd stay." He says. "I want to stay." I say smiling. He looked over smiling.

He drove us to his house and we immediately went inside. "I think have some clothes that will fit you if you want to get out of that dress." Maurice says. "That would be great." I say. He walks off to another room and returns with some folded clothes a few minutes later. "Sorry if they're a little big." He says handing it to me. "Thank you." I say.

"You can change in there." He says pointing to a room down the hall. I walk into the room and shut the door behind me. I quickly unzip the cage of a dress I'm trapped in. I slip the dress off and the sweatshirt he lent me and I put on the dark blue long sleeve shirt and the grey plaid pajama pants he gave me. I folded up my dress and the sweatshirt and I walked back into the living room.

"Better?" He asks. "Much." I say taking a deep breath. "Its nice to breathe." I add laughing. I see a smile break onto his face. I sit down on the opposite side of the couch and snuggle into the pillows. "Soo..." He says awkwardly. "Sooo...." I respond. "How are you going to explain leaving the date to your mom?" He asks.

"I'll just say I left." I say. "She won't get mad?" He asks. "That's when I just sneak out." I say. He starts laughing. "What's the dress code for the wedding?" He asks. "Its kind of an elevated backyard wedding so I'd say you need to wear a suit or tux." I say. "What are you wearing?" He asks. "Well I'm a bridesmaid so I have to wear some light pink dress." I say.

"You'll look stunning in pink." He says. "Thank you." I say blushing. "I just feel like her puppet." I say pulling my knees up to my chest. "Is there anyway you can move out?" He asks. "No, I don't have a job and she won't let me get one since she thinks I need to be a housewife." I say. "Maybe you can stay here?" He asks.

"I think we need to wait until after the wedding so she can meet you." I say. "Ok well we keep a key hidden underneath the mat outside if you ever need somewhere to stay." He says. "Under the mat? Isn't that bad security for a celebrity?" I ask. "Yeah." He says laughing. "But thank you so much for the offer, after telling her I left the date I might just have to use it." I say laughing.

He nodded and I looked over at the clock. "Oh my gosh I need to get home." I say seeing that its eleven. "Ok I'll drive." He says. I quickly stood up and grabbed my dress and also his sweatshirt that he lent me. We got into the car and he drove me to my house. We walked up to the trellis and we both climbed up. "Thank you." I say kissing him on the cheek before climbing through the window.

He had a huge smile on his face and was blushing madly. "Goodnight El." He says before climbing down the trellis and walking back to his car. I shut the window and curtains and quickly changed back into my dress so mom doesn't get suspicious. I walked down the stairs and acted like I just came in through the front door. "Mom I'm home!" I yell.

She came out of the kitchen and gave me a hug. "Where have you been?" She asks. "At the date." I say. "I know you're lying, he called me and said he came back from the bathroom and you were gone." She says. "Well he's lying." I say. "Elisa I've contacted the police thinking you were missing! Where were you?" She asks again.

"At the date!" I yell. She storms up the stairs into my room. "Whose clothes are these?" She asks. "Mine." I say. "These aren't yours." She says. "Yes they are." I say. "You're grounded." She says. "What? Does that mean I don't have to go on anymore of your dates?" I ask hopefully. "No you still have to." She says before shutting my door.

I take off my dress and change into the clothes Maurice gave me. I throw the dress in the corner of my room and pick up the phone. "Elisa?" He asks. "Yeah." I say with a sigh. "How'd she react?" He asks. "I'm grounded." I say. "Oh shit." He says. "You can sneak out and come to my place." He says. "No she'll know." I say. "Oh Elisa..." He says. "I had fun tonight with you." I say sniffling.

"Me too." He whispers. "Elisa I'm going to have to let you go, someone's at the door." He says. "Oh, bye Maurice." I say before hanging up. I sat against the wall and closed my eyes. A few minutes later a heard a knocking sound coming from my door. "Go away mom I don't want to talk to you." I say. I heard the knocking again. I pulled back the curtains to see Maurice.

"Oh sorry were you expecting your mom?" He says with a smile. "Oh thank goodness its you, come in its cold out there." I say. He climbs through the window and I get up and lock my bedroom door. I quickly wrap him in a hug. "I don't even know what to do." I say wiping my eyes. I look down and notice I have black all over my fingers. "Oh my I forgot to take off this stupid makeup." I say walking over to my vanity.

"Hey its kind of a look, maybe you can call it the raccoon eye?" He says laughing. I quickly put my finger on my lips so mom doesn't hear us. "That's a good one." I whisper as I wipe my makeup off. "Are those my clothes?" Maurice asks. "Um yeah, I'm sorry I'll give them back." I say. "No, they look better on you." He says winking.

I feel my eyes widen and myself blush, I quickly turn back to the mirror and start brushing my hair. "Am I still invited to the wedding?" He asks. "Of course." I say walking over to sit on my bed. I pat the spot next to me and he sits down. "It just might be a little more complicated." I say. "You look so gorgeous without makeup." He whispers.

"Why are you so nice to me?" I ask looking up at him. "What do you mean?" He asks. "Nobody is ever like this to me, I've never really had........friends." I say. "Well they are just stupid. Elisa you are just so perfect and beautiful and kind." He says cupping my face in his hand. I rest my head on his shoulder as my eyes flicker closed.

Heyyyy! Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please vote, comment, share and follow! Follow me on instagram @aneverlastinglove_wattpad
Stay groovy!
Published 11/26/21
Word count: 1610

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