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Friday, October, 15th (Two weeks earlier)

The North Star boys were beginning to start their 9 am meeting, as they usually do. Discuss ideas for new Tik Toks and YouTube videos. 

Oliver was waiting for the other boys to arrive along with Sebastian and Manager Ty.  It was always a pain trying to get these guys awake and alert. With the gamers staying up late, Kane was surely awake all night watching anime, and Darren and Regie loved sleeping in. 

Walking in first was Ryan he was always the first of the members to show up, stumbling in after him was Justin wrapped in his comforter looking soft and cute. Then Kane walked in looking like he barely got any sleep. Darren showed up cuddling toasty, eyes still closed. Finally, Regie came in with the messiest bedhead ever. 

"Alright boys, any thoughts on what we should film today?" Manager Ty asked. A bunch of mumbles and incoherent murmurs could be heard around the room. "come on guys, wake up and put some ideas out." Oli stated. Sebastian spoke, "why don't we do something with some dancing, stars have been asking to see more of that from us." A collective of "that sounds good" and "yeah, let's do that" went around the room. Everyone went to their phones and scrolled a bit trying to see what dance they could do that would be easy enough for everyone to do. 

"How about doing the Bachata dancing and we can partner up. Our fans would go crazy seeing us dancing with each other." Oliver said. 

"How would we decide who partners with who? Because in no way am I doing this with Darren." Ryan said 

"Why? Afraid you'll fall for me more Ryan" Darren teased while chasing after him, trying to hug him. 

"Go to hell bro, and get away from me before I smack you" Ryan exclaimed already annoyed and the day only just started. 

 "How about we put our names in a hat and Manager Ty can draw two names and the last one left can do a little dance after us," Sebastian said. 

"That works" everyone agreed. Manager Ty got some pen and paper wrote everyone's name down and put them in a hat. The first pairing would be Sebastian and Ryan, the second pairing is Regie and Kane, and lastly, the third pairing was Oliver and Justin. Poor Darren would have to dance by himself. "Alright everyone go shower and get ready for the day and we'll start filming we need to get this posted." Manager Ty instructed. 

(Justin's pov) 

Hearing that I was paired with Oli, instantly brought a smile to my face. I don't get why I was so happy, but I shot up from the couch grabbed my blanket, and rushed to my room to get ready. 

45 minutes later...

We're all back in the living room waiting for our instructions. Manager Ty speaks up and tells us that Sebastian, Regie, and Oliver would wait for Ryan, Kane, and myself to walk up to them and they'll pull us in and we'll start swaying to the beat of the music. While Darren did some stupid dance after us. Immediately Darren started cracking up spouting off some nonsense about top and bottom shit. 

"ya know, that means you three are bottoms and these guys are your tops." Darren squealed with glee. 

Ryan looked more than displeased at the comment, "bruh, why do you always gotta say some weird shit, just close your mouth for once" Ryan spat already annoyed with Darren. 

"Yah bro, nothing like that is happening around here," Regie added.

"Or is it?" Oliver said giving some glances to Sebastian and Kane who looked away instantly avoiding eye contact with each other. Anyone with eyes could see the blush coating their cheeks. Something is happening there but I wasn't going to pry until they wanted to tell us themselves.

"Wait, what does that mean? Is someone in our group HOOKING UP?" Darren yelled. 

Seb laughed nervously  "haha nah bro, he was just messing around with you guys." 

Darren was quick to believe it, I swear this kid was the dumbest one here sometimes. We started getting ready to film the Tik Tok. I honestly didn't think it would be that hard to film this but no one could stay serious. Regie and Oliver were being flirty whenever they pulled me and Kane into them. It was hard to keep from laughing. 

Having Oli being flirty with me was something I never thought I would enjoy so much. The way he would grab my hand, slowly pull me into him while he wrapped his other hand around my waist. While our hands threaded together and my other hand rested on his shoulder. I never really stared at Oliver before, I mean sure I looked at him but stared and took in his features. Oli was handsome you could see that from a mile away, but up close his features looked delicate. Smooth skin with no blemishes, his cute button nose that fit perfectly in the center of his face, almond-shaped eyes that held beautiful brown orbs, lips that looked soft and plump. Staring at his bottom lip I noticed it was fuller, all I wanted to do was suck it in between my teeth and bite it. 

"Justin!" I heard Oli call pulling me from my wandering thoughts. "We're going again, I think everyone has the moves down now." "o-okay" I stuttered out feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment. He looked at me "are you okay, you look a little flushed?" I quickly looked away, pulling on my shirt collar  "yah bro, I'm just a little hot."  

Manager Ty spoke "all right guys last one let's get this done we need to move on and film different things. One, Two, Three, go" and he pushed the button starting the video and music.

As he was Counting everyone got into positions. Oli and I were first, he reached out his hand pulled me in interlacing our hands, and wrapped his other hand around my waist. Smiling at me, I could feel my heart racing it was so loud I was sure he could hear it. I couldn't look away from him, I was smiling like an idiot. Then he guided my hips and we swayed to the beat it was over before I knew it. 

"Alright, good work guys. I'm sure our fans will love this video" Oliver exclaimed. "You guys have some time to relax before we gotta film some more, I'll round you up when it's time." 

I went and sat on the couch thinking about what just went through my head. Oli is my bro, one of my best friends, how could I think such things, feel such things. My mind was racing and I couldn't control it. I felt the couch dip, too in my thoughts I didn't pay much attention to who sat by me.

Then I heard "bro, you okay? You look a little pale." Glancing over it was the guy I trusted most in the world. Looking at him I had to tell him, I needed to get this off my chest and I knew he would be able to help me. 

Looking at him nervously, I leaned in and whispered "I think I like Oli bro, and not in the friend way."

He looked at me questioningly "what did you say?" Ryan screamed. 

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