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Justin tried his hardest to hide everything away, Oliver wasn't making it any easier. It was more than coincidental that Oli happened to order his favorite things. As much as Oliver claimed how smooth he was, he really wasn't Justin could tell he was following him with his eyes. He was lucky to catch a breather since Oliver was going to New York for a week. 

Justin looked at this opportunity to put his feelings for Oliver away. 

It was a couple of days in and having the two leaders away was different. No one to wrangle them in when they got off subject. At least Manager Ty was around things would be absolute chaos if he was away too. 

Justin was expecting things to be easier without Oliver around. He didn't think it would hurt his heart more to not see Oliver than it did to see him. He stayed awake late at night debating if he should call him or at most send a text under the guise of wondering how New York was. He finally caved one night. 


How's New York?

He stared embarrassingly to long at his text, the bubble would pop up then disappear it happened a couple more time tell nothing. Oliver didn't want to talk to him, couldn't even humor him. They were still friends right? 

It was already to late to worry about pride so he sent one last message. Knowing he wouldn't receive an answer.


I guess.. you're busy. I was just wondering if your enjoying it. I'll see you when you come back.    (I miss you...)

Justin quickly took back that last part, if Oli missed him he would have answered. Even a little one word reply would have sent him over the moon.  Justin sent off the text without the 'I miss you' enough with putting his heart out. 

Justin woke up with a knot in his stomach, the deep urge to throw up whatever was in his stomach. He was nervous. Today was finally the day, Oliver and Sebastian would be home. Manager Ty left early to pick them up. Justin thought about sneaking away, taking the day to hide away from Oli since he embarrassed himself just a couple night ago. If only he could but they needed to film the reaction of them coming home, and the boys planned to surprise them. 

Despite his inner turmoil he would have to push it aside and put on his brave face. It was happening so much he was sure he wouldn't need to act anymore. 

The car was pulling in and everyone was standing outside the front doors, Regie, Kane and Darren were holding the cheesecake. When the moment called for it Regie and Darren would shove the cheesecake in to their faces. 

Oliver and Sebastian were walking up to the guys. Happy to see them, they missed the loud chaotic energy of everyone. Hugs and handshakes were exchanged, then Oliver came upon Justin. Once Oli seen him he wanted to run to him, hold him and never let him go. The cameras were on them and Oliver was certain Justin wasn't ready, from the look on his face alone him being back disrupted something in Justin. They couldn't ignore each other, so they both leaned in giving a half hearted hug. Oliver caught a whiff of the scent he only associates with Justin the sweet citrus scent of grapefruit. Without a thought he wrapped his other arm around Justin pulling him into a full hug, he gave a quick squeeze before he had to let go. 

With the cameras off Sebastian expressed his displeasure of the cheesecake welcome. 

"Kaaaaane, how could you?" Seb whined. 

"Sorry Sebby but anything for the YouTube video, but come on I'll help you clean it off." Kane chuckled dragging a pouty Seb away. 

"It'd be even better if you licked it off..." 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2022 ⏰

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