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(Justin's pov)

I should've just stayed in my room. Of all the people that could be in the kitchen right now, it had to be Oliver freaking Moy. Looking him up and down I knew, I wouldn't be able to keep a conversation with him. It was painfully obvious he had just woken. His hair was messy and falling in his eyes, shirtless with his pajama bottoms riding dangerously low. 

I couldn't keep my eyes from roaming all over his warm body. Looking at Oli fully clothed you'd think he was just a tall boney guy. Oh how clothes can be deceiving, he was quite the opposite underneath those layers he always wore. His body was well-defined, sculpted in all the right places,  toned abs that looked like they were chiseled from stone. My gaze fell lower on two sleek lines that formed a deep v, instantly I felt warmth on my cheeks that spread down my neck. It was starting to get uncomfortably hot in here. 

It just now occurred to me Oli spoke... "uhh what'd you say," I looked away trying to keep my face hidden away.

I just said "hey bro," Oli repeated. "What are you up to?" He asked. 

I quickly told him, running my hand through my hair, being stupidly awkward. "Oh, hey bro.. um I-I-I was just coming to get a drink." Darting over to grab a cup from the cupboard, then sprinted over to the fridge to pour me a glass of water. I never gulped down water so quickly, I tossed the cup in the sink and dashed out of the kitchen. 

I almost made it to my room, till I heard footsteps right on my tail. "Justin, wait a second" Oli called sounding a bit worried. He grabbed my arm sending electricity coursing through me. Causing me to shiver, just the slightest. I pull my arm away and turn, his eyebrows are knitted together, eyes darting all over my face. Stepping closer to me, I instinctively step back, but he keeps coming forward till I'm pressed up against my door. 

Our bodies were close, I could feel the warmth radiating from his body, my blush was getting worse by the minute. Oli leaned in, I could faintly feel his breath ghost against my cheek, "what's wrong" I squeaked out. He raises his arm and brushes my hair away from my forehead, gently placing his hand. "I was just wondering if you're feeling okay, you look like you got a fever and you didn't come out of your room all evening. I wanted to check on you but Ryan told us that you were fine," he expressed. 

We didn't move away from each other. His hand still resting on my forehead, holding each other's gaze. He slowly moved his hand down my face, brushing my hair back and resting his hand on the side of my neck. My eyes were fluttering closed, letting out a low hum, "I'm fine Oli." 

"ok, I was just making sure," his voice light. Eventually, he pulls away and steps back, I immediately miss his warmth. He clears his throat and pushes his hair back "uhh alright bro, I'll see you in the morning" he lightly chuckles, walking away. Leaving me reeling from whatever just happened. I slowly move into my room, lean against my door and start grinning like a fool. 

(9 am meeting)

I hardly slept a wink last night, I'm almost late to the meeting but somehow I'm the second person here. Sitting on the couch, I could feel someone watching me. Looking up I immediately make eye contact with Oliver. His look is a little intense, his face showing little to no emotion. I wish I knew what was going through his head. I don't know how long we stare at each other but when our eyes finally tear away. All the boys are here and Manager Ty is going over points, I'm not sure what they are, my head feels heavy with all these questions. "Why was Oli staring at me so heavily, what happened between us last night,  does it mean something or am I just wanting it to?" I shake my head and try to tune into what's been said. 

Manager Ty spoke "okay man-babies, your Tik Tok from yesterday is doing great, the views and likes are going up continuously and the comments are going off about how great you guys looked together. Seems like we got some new ships going on."  

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