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Oliver sprinted into the house as if he was being chased, hurriedly locking himself in the safety of his room. Rushing to his bathroom, stripping himself, and jumping into the freezing water. He needed to wash away his shame, wash away the remembrance of his pleasure, to scrub away the desire to find Justin and take things farther. 'How could I? How could I do such a thing, How could I enjoy it so much? Why? Why do I want more, why do I only want it with him...' Oliver's mind was a swamp, murky with thoughts of Justin. His fingers soon grazed over an indent on his shoulder, tracing it with his finger then like a camera it clicked that was where Justin bit him. It pulled him back to the needy warm Justin that was grinding on him while sighing his name so beautiful. Before he knew it his cock was hard, aching with the memory. Keeping the image in his mind he started to stroke himself, slowly at first wanting to relish in the memory, but his orgasm was creeping up on him too quickly. Speeding up he thrust into his hand, chasing his high now. With a soft grunt, he finished sending his guilt spiraling down the drain.  

After the sensational feeling faded away and he was some what back to his senses. He began scrubbing the spot wanting or hoping he could remove it. The spot was becoming raw and red finally accepting his defeat, realizing he couldn't make it go away. He turned off the shower and stepped out wrapping a towel around his waist, he stood in front of the mirror. Wiping away the steam he stared at himself eyes darting from his face to his overly scrubbed shoulder. With a heavy sigh he reached down to his pants and fished out his phone. Ignoring the bothering texts of his friends asking if he was okay. He scrolled tell he found the name he was looking for, tapping his text in, then with a swoosh it was sent. Dropping his phone on the counter his final thought was 'you don't think of your friends this way'....

In a different bedroom, in a different shower sat a distraught Justin knees pulled to his chest letting the water cascade around him. It was hard to bypass the look in Oli's eyes even though he tried to smile Justin could tell it was fake. Even if he believed it, the way he ran into the house would've been a dead giveaway. Oliver couldn't even wait till the car came to a complete stop, that intent on running away from him. 'Why was Oli sending so many mixed signals? What kind of relationship do they have now? It's not all in my head anymore, I could tell he felt something rather I felt it tonight.' Justin was equally lost in his thoughts as Oliver. The difference Justin knew what his feelings were, Oliver was in denial. Justin sat in the shower till it ran cold things were proving to be more difficult and he had no idea how to approach it. 


It was Sunday, coincidentally it was Halloween too. A couple days before everyone decided to spend the day together, head to a festival near by. Everyone had agreed to this prior but Oliver pulled his brother aside early in the morning before the rest of the members had woken. 

"Seb something came up today, I can't hang out with ya'll. I'll see you tonight."

Still a bit groggy from having woken up Sebastian didn't process the information, didn't think to ask him anything else. With a hum of agreement he said "whatever bro, see ya later." 

Oliver was a bit relieved his brother didn't ask him any questions but that was his plan all along. Having grown up with Seb he knew it was best to give him information when he was freshly awake. That's how he always got away with things whenever he wanted to borrow something, broke something, or had bad news to tell. With one last longing look towards Justin's  room. 

Oliver was gone and he wouldn't be ready for the events that would go down later. 

When Justin woke this morning, he was dreading seeing Oliver, he never knew how he was going to react. After what they did yesterday he figured Oli would be avoiding him. When he came to the kitchen a little part of him well maybe a bigger part of him wanted Oli to be there at the table smiling at him. Again he was met with disappointment Oliver was no where around. He grabbed a bowl and made himself some cereal. Sitting down next to Ryan he leaned over and whispered "where is Oliver?" "Seb said he had something to do today and he left pretty early" Ryan informed him. Justin ate his cereal with a dejected look 'it's time to confront Oliver, time to let him know how I feel, whatever happens I'll be ready' he thought to himself.  

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