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(Ryan's pov)

I realize I shouted that pretty loudly and now everyone is staring at us. It's just how am I suppose to react with my best friend telling me he likes one of our other best friends? Justin calmed everyone down, telling them it was no big deal and we were just messing around. He then grabbed me, rather harshly and dragged me to his bedroom. Once inside the room I jerked my arm back rather annoyed he's pulling me around after dropping this joke on me because he has to be joking, right?

"Bruh, did you seriously have to yell like that? Pretty sure the whole street heard you." Justin said looking a little annoyed.

I stared at him judgingly "well how the hell was I suppose to act when you dropped this on me? This is a joke right... ha ha ha good one, you got me, bro." I huffed out 

Justin didn't say anything, only looking down at his feet. I could tell he was struggling to get his words out. If this isn't a joke then I don't know how to help him with his feelings, falling for a member is something I know all too well. How can I give him guidance when I'm struggling with my unrequited feelings, I don't want my best friend to go through this pain. Looking at that person daily and knowing you can't have them. Seeing them flirt with other people while you helplessly have to keep a smile on your face. I can't bear to see him go through this but I'll help him, be there, lend my ear,  I must, Justin is a kind soul and I know Oliver will hurt him.  

10 infuriating minutes later, Justin finally spoke up. Timidly looking at me he muttered out "I'm not joking Ryan. Just now when we did that dance I thought things and felt things about him. You don't think about one of your friends this way. I don't know what to do? Will this ruin the group? Oh god, will Oli hate me? Should I leave?" He started hyperventilating and pacing around the room, rushing out a bunch of questions I couldn't even hear anymore. I walked up to him and smacked him on the back of the head.

Stopping in his tracks looking at me surprised "what the f*ck bro, why did you slap me?"

Chuckling at him a little bit "how else was I suppose to get you to calm down? You were speaking so fast I barely understood you."

"oh," he whispered, "well thanks, I guess."

I should tell him about who I like in the group, I really should. Maybe it would provide him with caution and he won't fall into the hole I currently find myself desperately trying to crawl out of, but I can't put my struggles on him while he tries to get through his own. I decide to make him believe it was just circumstance and not him liking Oliver. 

"Bro, are you even sure you like him, maybe you're just horny and Oli happened to be in your line of sight, honestly could have happened with anyone. We're always around each other, let's go out on Sunday, it's our day off and we'll find you, someone." I tell him. It was in no way the right thing to do but anything to keep Justin from falling for Oliver more. 

He agreed, I also told him to avoid Oliver for the next couple of days.

We'll see how this plays out....

(Justin's pov)

"Okay bro, let's get back. We gotta finish filming." Ryan said

"Alright, let me just have a few minutes and then I'll be out," I tell him.

He whispered "okay", looking at me with sympathy. He walked out, leaving me alone with my loud thoughts.  

I reluctantly agreed to Ryan's suggestion. I couldn't help but feel Ryan was overlooking my feelings, suggesting to go and find someone new. Are things that easy, I didn't wanna get over Oli, I want him in any way I can have him. Looking back on the time we've spent together, I was instantly taken with Oliver. This boy carried himself with such confidence, he could make anyone smile in an instant, he just had a way with people. Also, he really brings the best out of all of us, motivates us and he's always there, willing to give you the shirt of his back if that's what you needed. Now that I've realized my feelings, I think I've always liked Oli.

I have no idea what I'm going to do, maybe that's why I agreed to Ryan. I'm running away from my feelings, I can't tell Oli... I'm terrified, He'll most likely reject me, No, he'll definitely reject me. I can't risk the group, our dynamic. I'm not that selfish. Ryan's idea to stay away from Oli for a few days, was a good one. I can't risk it, the more I fall for him, the more I'm ready to forget everything. 

"Bruh, what the hell is taking you so long? You look drained were you in here jerking off or something, cuz next time just tell me and I'll help you" Darren said pulling me from my thoughts. 

"ughh bro, shut the hell up. I'm coming."

"Yeah, I bet you did! Haha..." Darren laughed running outta the room.

Darren was always sus but he knew how to change your mood and get your mind off things. So I'll let it slide this time. 

I follow him out into the living room. Everyone is lounging on the couches scrolling through their phones. I go and sit by Ryan, he gives me a look that says "you okay", I just nod my head. 

"Oh, there you are Justin. Everything okay with you?" Seb asked

"Huh, y-y-yeah. I'm good." I stuttered out. mentally smacking myself for stuttering. These a-holes are gonna say something about it. 

"Aye bro, why you stuttering. Did someone make our little kitten shy" Regie teased

"OOOOHHHH" everyone shouted. I can't handle all the attention on me, so naturally, I started blushing and tried defending myself, which didn't work at all. "Yeah Justin, who's got you all shy and blushing," Oli asked while coming to sit by me, draping his arm around my shoulders. Which just made the situation a hundred times worse, for a millisecond I caught himself leaning into his touch. Noticing what I did, I pull away rather harshly, and go and stand by the window.   

"Okay, okay guys. It's me who has Justin this way. I walked in on him jerking off and obviously, he was thinking about me." Darren said walking up to me, trying to wrap himself around me. 

I push him away. "brooo, get the hell away from me. That's not what happened and no way in hell would I ever think about you." I said. 

"Can we talk about something else now? This is getting weird." Ryan said. Ever so thankful my best friend saved me. 

We spend the rest of the day filming, everything is going quite well. I'm keeping my distance from Oli, I hope he hasn't noticed yet. The sun is setting now and we're done filming for the day. In the evenings I would usually go and work out with Kane, Regie, and Oli but watching Oli get all sweaty is something I definitely can't handle right now. I opt-out and decided to lock myself away in my room and game. I don't even come out for dinner, which is a shame since Darren is cooking and everyone in the house knows he is the best cook. 

It's about 10 pm, everyone should be in their rooms. I think I'm safe to go to the kitchen real quick and get some food, hopefully, if I'm lucky they saved me plate. I walk out of my room and sure enough, it's dead silence and everyone is away in their rooms. I go into the kitchen, turn on the light and nearly lose my shit because someone is standing there. They turn around and I knew this was gonna be difficult.

"Hey bro," Oli says..... 

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