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One of the worst feelings in the world is feeling like you're not good enough, coming secondly maybe? Is being ignored by the person who can make your day with just their smile. 

That sums up how Justin has been feeling these past few days. It's been some days since the almost-kiss between Oliver and Justin. Oliver has barely gifted Justin with a glance, only speaking to him when it's an absolute must even then he looks through Justin like a window. 

To say it hurt Justin wasn't enough, it was withering away his spirit. Chipping away at his already fragile heart. Although Justin has done nothing wrong, he didn't throw himself at Oli or try to confess his feelings. It was quite the opposite, Oli came to him. He was the one who would touch him not to say Justin didn't like it but Oli sought him out that day came to his room and lay in his bed. Justin didn't initiate the almost-kiss Oliver pulled him in. Even though they didn't kiss It was still the greatest moment in his life so far before it was ripped away. Justin was slowly starting to believe this was his fault and Oli wanted nothing to do with him. 

Friday now, NSB is filming for another YouTube video doing some Halloween activities such as bobbing for apples, carving pumpkins, and telling scary stories. Justin looked forward to filming more so than usual it was the only time Oliver didn't blatantly ignore his existence.   

After the boys were finished with bobbing for apples and carving their pumpkins, they were done for the rest of the evening tell dark anyhow since they needed the darkness to tell their scary stories. Justin was laying down on the couch scrolling through his phone when his eyes started to get heavier with every blink. It wouldn't hurt to take a nap since they needed to be awake pretty late to fulfill their last task. He stuffs his phone in his pocket turning on his side he tucks his arms under his head, getting comfortable. Slowly starting to lull to sleep.

As Justin was about to drift into a deep slumber, he suddenly feels the couch dip behind him and long arms wrap around his waist. Ahead is stuffed into the back of his neck, hearing a content sigh the person speaks "hmm let me stay here for a bit." Justin recognizes the deep voice it's Oliver. Justin doesn't speak afraid he'll spook Oli away, so he takes his chance to snuggle more into Oli as if he is readjusting himself. The last thing he feels before he let sleep take him is a little squeeze, he falls asleep with a smile on his face. 

When Justin wakes a couple of hours later, he's alone. Sadness cloaks him, thinking that he should have forced himself to stay awake longer to enjoy Oliver wrapped around him. Ryan walks over "Bro get up, we got more filming to do." Justin grunts in agreement, getting up to go sit with the rest of the boys. Oliver is sitting on the floor laughing around with Darren and Regie, Justin sits next to him wondering if things were okay. As he settles on the floor Oliver slides away from him. Justin's face falls there's an ugly feeling brewing inside him, the nasty feeling of being rejected. Which shouldn't be possible since he hasn't done a thing to Oli. Putting on the fakest smile he can muster he gets ready to film.


Regie, Darren, and Oliver are out to get some food since it's their day off. Regie needed to get away from the house, couldn't stand looking at the newly established couple being lovey-dovey in every room in the house. Oliver also needed to get out, couldn't stand the sad kitten face Justin was sporting these days, he knew it was all thanks to him. Darren was just enjoying the ride, hardly any worries to consume him. It was always nice to be included with his best friends.

After they finished eating, it was an absolute must to go and get some Boba. NorthStar Boys and their Boba were like peanut butter and jelly you can't have one without the other. As they walked into one of their favorite places, they placed an order and sat down to wait for it. While they were waiting a girl at another table had her eye on Oliver ever since he walked in. Darren was the first to notice her checking Oli out.. He leans near Oli and says "Bro, that hot ass girl over there is totally checking you out." Regie and Oliver pop their heads up from their phones to glance in the direction of the girl. "Damn cuh, she's staring hard. Better go over there before I do" Regie said with lust in his eyes.

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