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It's a new day in the NorthStar house. The boys are getting ready to film for their latest YouTube video. Which happens to be the suck and blow game, as to who suggested this game might come as a shock. One would think Darren wanted this game, but underneath that sus persona is a shy boy who wouldn't really kiss one of the members. Maybe they thought oh Regie seems like the person to want it but no Regie could care less for such a game, why play a game with a card when you could kiss for real. It has to be Kane then with his secret flirty side but Kane is anything but flirty when it comes to the boys in the house. Being the type to be teased then do the teasing himself. Well, maybe the Moy brothers, but they usually steer clear of these things. The kitten whisperer named Justin would never really have the guts to say this, even if deep down a game like this excites him. 

It was the most unlikely of them all Ryan Nguyen, the one who avoided physical touch as much as possible. Raised his arm during the 9 am meeting and shyly suggested the idea. Ryan is basically the baby of this group even though he isn't the youngest. No one dares to say no to him. 

This is how they ended up lips together with just a thin card separating them. The hesitancy between them was deep, just one slight mess up and lips would be pressed together. No one could say this wasn't a good idea the views they would get from this, stars would lose their mind seeing them in such close proximity, but that didn't make them any less nervous about going through with this. 

Oliver being the leader decided he would start the train followed by Kane, Justin, Sebastian, Darren, Ryan then Regie. It came as no surprise how good Oli and Kane were at this game. As the card went down the line, it didn't make it that far. Clearly, past Kane and Oli no one knew when to suck and to blow. After the 15th try, the formation was changed up. Oliver still leading the line, they were so close this time but the exchange between Darren and Seb was getting too awkward and they dropped the card. 

During the 40th take, things got a little heated between Darren and Ryan. Lips moving against the card as if they were making out. Eventually, Ryan dropped the card. "That was probably the greatest moment of my life, how about we do it without the card huh Ryan," Darren said rubbing his hands together and sliding close to Ryan. "Hell nahh, anyone please trade places with me" Ryan begged. 

It took over 70 tries to finally accomplish this task. The outcome of the game was leaving everyone in the group reeling. The tension between the almost couples was heavy, sweet Darren remained oblivious as usual, just enjoying the camaraderie. Past the surface of these types of games, it really did bring the boys closer not in a romantic way per se but with the trust, they placed in each other. 

Kane and Sebastian have had tension between them from the start, almost back to when they met at Kane's birthday party. Kane was star-struck when he saw the Moy brothers. Oliver was dripping in confidence, not in an egotistical way. More like he knew his strengths and wasn't afraid to utilize them. Not to mention how sweet he could be to fans or people in general. He was everything Kane wanted to have in himself, he saw himself being a younger brother to him even though he was older. 

Sebastian was entirely different. Kane sees a bit of himself in Seb, them being little brothers to successful and goal-oriented big brothers. They both knew the struggle of coming second, which was why they clicked right away. Kane however always wanted more, Seb always threw different signals his way. One second he'd be touchy with him, cuddling him, defending him, crawling into his bed late at night to do sinful things. The next he'd be cold as ice wouldn't even look at him much less touch him, joining in with the guys to tease him.  

It was break time now, Kane took to the couch to ponder on his semi relationship with Seb. Regie walked over and laid his head on Kane's lap, absentmindedly he started running his hand through his hair. Regie leaned into the touch, letting out content murmurs that resembled a kittens purr. "Are you thinking about him again" Regie's husky voice pulled from his uneasy thoughts? "Hmm, when don't I think about him" Kane sighed out.  

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