Chapter Two

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"Abandoned? You abandoned your own sister?" Caitlyn asked a bit judgmentally. Vi sighed and dropped her head into her hands.

"It- It wasn't like what you're thinking okay?" Vi said meekly. "There was an accident. Powder was there and I- I lost my temper. And I walked away from her. I called her a jinx. It's my fault she's like this now. That that monster got his hands on her and turned her into this. God, she was just a child. She didn't mean any of it. And I- I tried to go back to her. I tried so hard to get back to her. But I was arrested and I had no way out. I still don't even know how I got out." Vi's voice shook as she spoke and she seemed to look almost defeated. There was a pain in Vi's entire body and mind that Caitlyn found herself wanting to soothe. Caitlyn's heels clicked as she walked towards Vi, who had sunk to the floor. However, Vi didn't lift her head from her hands. Vi flinched as soft fingers enveloped her own bandaged and calloused ones, and gently pulled them away from her face. Caitlyn's other hand went under her chin and made Vi's eyes meet hers.

"You tried to get back to her. You tried, Vi." Caitlyn paused. "That is your name, isn't it? After all this, I wasn't sure."

Vi let out a small laugh. "Yeah, it's still Vi." She made her eyes meet Caitlyn's. "You might be too sweet for your own good, cupcake."

"And you have a good heart. I can see it in your eyes, Vi." Caitlyn said gently rubbing her fingertips over Vi's tattooed cheek. Vi smiled sincerely, her head nuzzled slightly into the raven-haired's touch. Vi covered her hand over Caitlyn's that brushed against her cheek and laced their fingers together.

"It's late, we should get you home. It's still not safe for you here as the daughter of a counsel woman." Vi said standing and pulling Caitlyn up with her.  Caitlyn bit her lower lip. She hadn't considered that Vi would know who her mother was, but from the beginning, Vi had known more about Caitlyn than she had expected. This entire night went in a way Caitlyn hadn't expected. She certainly hadn't expected a muscular pink-haired woman to be the one she was meeting tonight, or that she would be attracted to and teased by the said woman. She also never considered she would meet Jinx's, well, Powder's sister.

Caitlyn pulled Vi's attention back on her with a small tug of their hands. "How do you know so much about me? And why reach out to me about the information about Jinx?"

Vi seemed to think hard on her answer, her grip on Caitlyn's hand becoming just a tiny bit looser. "A council woman's daughter joins the police force, she watched Jinx's crimes and involves herself in the cases, even though they aren't yours. I took a bet on you. That you would listen and maybe even care. I would do anything to get my sister back. I know  Powder's not gone. I think she's lost, maybe scared, and doing what she has to, to survive. I took a bet on you that if anyone was going to help me, it would be you, cupcake. And you showed up. Hell not only did you show up, you found where I lived and connected the dots." Vi's eyes cast downward. Something like pride bloomed in her chest at what Caitlyn had done in a night. The pinkette brawler definitely didn't expect to have a shotgun pointed at her by the shorter crystal-eyed woman. 'I probably should have seen it coming though at some point.' Vi reasoned with herself.

Caitlyn's hand remained in Vi's looser one. She squeezed the larger bandaged covered hand that rested in her own. Vi's gaze traveled upwards again to meet Caitlyn's. "If you think you can reach Jinx, and find Powder in her, I believe you." Caitlyn let out softly.

"Thank you," Vi whispered back. Her loose hand went to the back of her neck. "It's uhm, it's time we get you home... But since last time I left you to do it by yourself, you climbed down here alone, I think I should take you this time."

"I am perfectly capable of getting home myself," Caitlyn said as color lifted to her cheeks. "But I'd appreciate your company." She muttered. Vi smiled at the response.

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