Smutty scene

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Caitlyn shoved the door to their apartment open and let the door slam against the wall as Vi stomped in behind her. "Caitlyn! God, will you at least look at me when I'm trying to talk to you!" Vi asked frustrated and running her fingers through her short hair.

Caitlyn chucked a pair of handcuffs that sat on her uniform at Vi's head, just to throw something that wouldn't hurt her, and let out a growl when her pink-haired partner caught them easily.

"There, I'm looking at you Vi! Are you happy now?" Caitlyn said crossing her arms and glaring at Vi's muscular frame in the doorway. Vi nodded, thinking her next move through calmly. Caitlyn had been strung up all day and finally when a stranger on the street came up to Vi for her number and to "call if she got lonely" Caitlyn had snapped. Vi closed the door and made sure the lock clicked in place. She set the alarm and clicked the button on the Hextech pad that canceled noise out to the other apartments. She kept the handcuffs the sheriff had thrown at her face in her hands, enjoying the plans she had for the cool metal that rested in them.

"Cupcake, I know you had a bad day, and seeing that girl make moves on me didn't help, but you're pushing my buttons, and I think it's time I did something about it," Vi told her, using a finger under Caitlyn's chin to make sure Caitlyn's eyes focused on Vi's instead of her other hand. The hand that just so happened to click the cuffs around Caitlyn's wrists and gave Vi the leverage she wanted to quickly pin said hands above Caitlyn's head.

"Vi! What the absolute hell are you doing! Unlock these this instant!" Caitlyn demanded of her partner who used the leverage to back the shorter sheriff against the wall. Vi drew lazy circles on the tops of Caitlyn's thighs under that short dress that showed off Caitlyn's legs. Cait's skin began to warm and her anger at Vi began to fade quickly. "Vi!" Caitlyn tried to protest, but the pinkette's lips went to the base of Caitlyn's throat and nipped sharply, the protest turning into a pleasured gasp in Caitlyn's throat.

Vi nipped at the sensitive skin again as she moved her free fingers out from under Cait's dress and around the sheriff's waist, pulling Caitlyn impossibly closer. A whine rose from Caitlyn's throat at the delicious pain and pleasure from the bites on her neck. Vi pulled her mouth away from the spot that was now turning red and moved her lips downwards, to where the purple dress covered Caitlyn's chest. Vi yanked the dress down sharply and took one of Caitlyn's nipples in her mouth, slowly sucking on the flesh and tracing more circles on her beloved Caitlyn's body with her tongue. Caitlyn's legs started to shake as Vi continued to give attention to the sensitive buds that peaked under her tongue's attention.

"V-Vi stop- AH! Teasing!" Caitlyn managed to get out of her lips. Vi's right hand held the cuffs containing Caitlyn's wrists over her head still, while her free hand rubbed up and down Caitlyn's thighs slowly, letting her fingers feel the softness of Caitlyn's pale skin under them. And the growing warmth on Caitlyn's silky underwear with every pass. Vi's mouth moved from Caitlyn's nipples to her mouth, catching her lover's lips and kissing her passionately. Vi caught Caitlyn's lower lip between her teeth and bit down softly before letting go and slipping her tongue in Caitlyn's mouth. Caitlyn tried to battle for dominance, her anger from earlier resurfacing as a flash of that woman from before crossed her mind and she pulled against the cuffs Vi held in her hand.

"Ah ah ah, let's not do that cupcake, you know how that ends," Vi muttered against her lips as she pinned Caitlyn's body between hers and the wall.

"Vi please!" Caitlyn gasped out as Vi put a leg between her thighs, resting it against exactly where Caitlyn wanted Vi's fingers, tongue, everything. Her dripping center between her legs. A moan escaped Caitlyn's lips and she threw her head back lightly against the wall. "Vi, Vi, please," Caitlyn begged slightly as Vi's attention went back to Caitlyn's neck, leaving more marks at the center and base of it. Caitlyn's hips moved slightly over Vi's leg and Caitlyn's body started to shake under Vi's.

"Someone's needy today," Vi muttered against Caitlyn's throat. Her voice was huskier.

"You went on an assignment for two weeks. Please, Vi, I didn't touch myself without you, please." Caitlyn whined softly, moving her hips over Vi's thigh again. Satisfaction flowed through Vi's veins as she watched Caitlyn beg for her touch. Vi lifted her thigh harder up, giving Caitlyn a little more friction. Caitlyn moved her hips harder, enjoying the little relief Vi offered before Vi pulled her leg away and out of reach. Caitlyn whimpered at the loss of contact. Vi brought the handcuffs down from above Caitlyn's head and pushed Caitlyn onto the couch.

The bedroom was too far for her liking. She wanted Caitlyn now. Caitlyn used her restained hands to drag Vi with her as she fell backward, landing Vi on her forearm to keep her from crushing Caitlyn's form. Caitlyn used the advantage of the cuffs behind Vi's neck to bring Vi's lips to hers, crushing them together. Then it was Caitlyn's turn to tease. She pulled her lips away from Vi's and let her fingernails drag down Vi's spine, digging in gently at first and slowly to Vi's skin. Just the way Vi liked it. "Fuck." Vi groaned her eyes closed as shocks of pleasure ran through her body.

Vi used her fingers to gently grab Caitlyn's jaw and meet their eyes, letting her see the need there. Caitlyn was right, two weeks without touching her was way too long. And Vi was hungry. Vi pulled Caitlyn's arms from around her neck and reached for the zipper to the back of Caitlyn's dress. When she reached it, she yanked it down, nearly ripping the fabric, and pushed the dress over Caitlyn's head, bunching it up around the cuffs. Vi's mouth went back on Caitlyn's nipples, licking and sucking producing whines and moans from Caitlyn.

Vi sunk her teeth into Caitlyn's to clean for her liking skin, making Caitlyn arch her back, pushing herself against Vi's warm mouth and body. Vi moved her mouth and teeth over Caitlyn's chest, stomach, and hips leaving marks everywhere, dark and sensitive, before moving down to her thighs which parted immediately for her, causing her to let out a chuckle before she put her mouth on Caitlyn's covered clit, biting gently on the fabric-covered nerve. Cait's hips bucked slightly against Vi's warm mouth, craving more. Vi put an arm over her hips and kept Caitlyns lower half pinned in place as she used her other hand to slowly remove the underwear blocking what she wanted to taste on her tongue.

"You know I would keep going and give you what you want... But someone was a brat today." Vi said as she pulled away leaving a breathless Caitlyn on the couch nearly naked. Vi eyed Caitlyn's body, enjoying the view of the horny sniper that was craving her touch and attention.

Caitlyn sputtered as Vi pulled away from her body and out of the loop her arms had made around Vi's neck, leaving Cait wet and needy on the couch still in her own handcuffs.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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