Chapter Seven

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By the time Vi and Caitlyn had gotten back to Caitlyn's apartment, both were full and the sun was setting. They spent half the day at the market buying and trying food Vi had never even heard of and the other half watching a film in a theater Caitlyn loved. Vi spent the time trying not to check out Caitlyn who was focused intensely on making sure Vi had a good time. Caitlyn wasn't normally the type who tried actively to please others. She often put her work before anyone else, herself included. But since she and Vi had been knocked out with gas and kidnapped, the sheriff refused to let her work for a few days to recover and ordered a psychological evaluation, which was completely unnecessary in Caitlyn's opinion. But that didn't matter to Marcus, the sheriff who replaced Sheriff Grayson. 

Caitlyn still mourned the loss of the sheriff she never got to work with professionally after sniper competitions. Her family gave money for the funeral and mausoleum she would rest in because of how much her support meant to young Caitlyn as a fellow female sniper. Her mother might have thought Sheriff Grayson was a bit rough around the edges but she respected the women more than she would admit, as she helped with the police funds more when Greyson was sheriff than Marcus. Her mother did always value other women in power than men. She always said they were more reasonable.

But when Caitlyn looked at her emotions and actions when it came to Vi this last day and a half she wasn't sure she could agree anymore. The enforcer entered her room as Vi went to take a shower and her gaze found her research on Jinx, Powder she supposed now. Caitlyn pulled out new pieces of string and paper and started documenting the things she had learned about Jinx in the short period of time she had spent with Vi. One thing was for sure, if Vi could reach Powder in the girl that was now Jinx, it would just be the beginning of the help Powder would need. Caitlyn hated to think it now that she met Vi, but Jinx still was a criminal and had a few screws loose. It was a problem they would have to have a plan and resources prepared in advance.

"I thought the sheriff told you to take some personal time." Vi's voice got Caitlyns attention from the doorway.

"He did. This is what personal time looks like for me." Caitlyn said pinning the new information she write down on her board.

"Oh yeah, it looks very relaxing Cupcake," Vi said rubbing her short hair with the towel.

"You look like you don't know the definition of relaxing either," Caitlyn said giving Vi a pointed look that made Vi laugh.

"Hey, I just took a very relaxing shower. That should count for something." Vi told her raising her hands in defense.

Caitlyn held up two fingers that made the gesture of being small. "Just a tiny bit, in my opinion."

Vi sat down on Caitlyn's bed and smiled at the enforcer who sat on the floor by her research. Her eyes flitted over blurred images and maps and papers. The smile slipped off her face, a grave, serious one replacing it. "This is all Powder?"

"Well, not all of it. There's someone else. Probably a few people. Maybe a whole organization. People who cover her tracks, clean up after her. Maybe even in charge of her. I have no idea how deep this goes. Or your sister's role in it. There are people in the shadows we can't see yet." Caitlyn explained showing Vi more evidence she had collected. Letters and documents showing approval for illegal activity in Piltover. Cait then spent the next few hours showing and explaining everything she had to Vi, who kept a dark look on her face as she took in the information. What exactly had Vi turned Powder into by being gone all these years? Caitlyn noticed the change in Vi and stood from her place on the floor.

"I think it's time to go to get some rest, Vi. It's been a long day." She told the pink-haired brawler who sat with her back against Cait's bed.

Vi let out a sigh, "Honestly cupcake, sleep doesn't seem in the cards for me tonight." She said as she ran her hands through her hair. Caitlyn sat again, but this time next to Vi, her legs brushing against Vi's as she faced her.

"We will find your sister, Vi. I promise you." Caitlyn said.

"I know. I can't give up, even if I wanted to. She's my sister. I'm supposed to protect her at all costs and I've failed so much." Vi said leaning her head against Caitlyn's bed. Caitlyn reached a hand up and brushed the back of her fingers to Vi's cheek softly, making Vi's eyes flutter close as she savored the comforting feeling that flooded her body.

"You can't deprive yourself of rest, Vi. It won't help find her." Cait told her as she kept stroking Vi's cheek slowly.

"I know. But every time I close my eyes I see Powder. Just as I left her. Just out of reach. I call for her and she hears me but when she looks at me, she looks right through me. And when I reach for her, she's not there. I wake up still looking for her and she's never there." Caitlyn paused her movements as Vi spoke, then resumed them as she had before.

"I would chase away those dreams." The words slipped out before Caitlyn processed her thoughts. A smile painted Vi's lips.

"I appreciate it cupcake, but I don't think even you could chase away dreams like that," Vi said as she looked at the enforcer that sat next to her. Caitlyn's cheeks warmed but she didn't avoid Vi's soft eyes meeting hers.

"Maybe I could. Stay in my room tonight?" Caitlyn asked shocking herself.

"Are you inviting me into your bed, cupcake? What would your dear mother on the counsel think?" Vi teased her causing her cheeks to burn even brighter.

"Oh you know that isn't what I meant, Vi!" Caitlyn said hiding her face in embarrassment. Vi laughed and pulled Cait's fingers from her face, holding them in her own and lifting Caitlyn's face with a finger under her chin.

"I accept the invitation, princess," Vi said meeting Cait's flustered eyes which widen at Vi's words. Suddenly the urge to connect her lips with Vi's resurfaced again and she didn't find it in herself to stop leaning forward closer to Vi, tilting her lips up slightly, just a breath's space left between them, but not having the courage to kiss her. "Nervous?" Vi asked in a whisper.

"Maybe." But as the word left Caitlyn's lips, Vi covered them with her own softly, moving her hand to cup Caitlyn's jaw and pull her closer. The enforcer melted into Vi's touch completely and made the brash brawler wonder how she had kept herself from kissing Caitlyn sooner as Cait's lips moved slowly against Vi's own. Everything in that moment, was perfect.

Here's that kiss you all wanted enjoy 😉

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