Chapter Six

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Caitlyn pulled a shirt over her head and put her wet hair up into a ponytail. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Vi looking out the window, pretending she wasn't just checking out the sniper. Caitlyn's plan for the day was simple, take Vi to get food from the market that she could try. Raspberries being the first item on the list.

"Ready to go?" Caitlyn asked getting Vi's attention back on her.

"Yeah. Still don't know where we're going though." Vi said looking at her. She wouldn't voice her thoughts about how Caitlyn looked better with the shirt she had put on off. 'God I need to get laid, these thoughts are getting out of hand.' She thought to herself following Cait out of the apartment. The lock clicked into place on the door and Cait paused outside it to add Vi to her accepted people allowed into her home, scanning her left eye, fingerprint, and adding a photo to the information.

"There, now you can come in whenever you want," Caitlyn said pulled a strand of hair away from her eyes that had slipped from her ponytail. The difference in the amount of security between Vi's place and Caitlyn's almost seemed comical. Caitlyn was right, the apartment was safer than Vi's old building. But Vi's pride wasn't going to jump at the help Caitlyn offered her. Trenchers weren't often helped by Topsiders, but Caitlyn had seemingly accepted Vi and trusted her fairly quickly. Vi couldn't help the feeling in the back of her mind, she was putting Caitlyn in more danger just by being near her. But Caitlyn didn't seem have that feeling as she gracefully walked to the elevator and pressed the button.

Vi followed on edge into the elevator still not used to it being a smooth ride. When the doors opened, she winked at the security who had been confused last night, and followed Caitlyn out of the building. Vi smirked as she thought of what looks would be on their faces when she came back with Cait later. A man in a suit saw Caitlyn walking and started to walk towards her, with that Vi was sure he thought was a charming smile. To her, it looked slimy. Vi made a show of stepping up next to Caitlyn and slipping an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to Vi's body and shooting a scowl at the man. Caitlyn's mind had gone blank as Vi guided her along past the man, Vi's body heat and muscles feeling sinful against her body. She never saw the man.

"Wh-what was that for?" Caitlyn managed to get her thoughts back as Vi pulled away but stayed closer than before. 

"That man, he was a creep. I didn't like the way he looked at you. So I made him think he couldn't have you." Vi said shrugging her shoulders.

"To be completely honest, I never even saw him," Caitlyn said as they arrived at the market.

"What are we doing here?" Vi asked looking at Caitlyn.

"I'm getting you raspberries," Caitlyn said simply, walking to a stand and dropping a coin on the table as she picked up a small container. Vi watched her and took in the woman in front of her.

'She finds out I've never had something and her first thought is how she can help me try it?' Vi's mind struggled to understand the dark-haired woman who had put one of the red berries in her mouth. Caitlyn turned and held a berry to Vi's lips, who opened them and let the other feed her a berry. Caitlyn's finger brushed Vi's lip and Vi resisting the urge to kiss each finger. And then the rest of her. The taste of the berry on her tongue was strange and became insignificant as Caitlyn licked her fingers clean of where some of the juice had gotten on her skin. Without thinking Vi gently took hold of Caitlyn's fingers and pulled the sniper closer to her, Vi's eyes focused on the lips that had seemed to demand her attention to them.

"Did you like them?" Caitlyn asked softly as her heart pounded in her chest.

"What?" Vi asked not focused at all on the question Cait had asked.

"The raspberries. Did you like them?" Caitlyn asked again as Vi's eyes moved to Caitlyn's.

"Maybe. I think I need another taste." Vi muttered, using her fingers on jaw to tilt Caitlyn's face upwards towards her own and bring their lips closer.

A child bumped into the back of Vi's leg, getting the pair's attention. The girl looked up quickly and fear shone in her grey eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" She cried. Vi crouched down to the little girl's level.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. What's your name?" Vi asked her soothingly. Caitlyn kneeled down beside Vi and looked around for the girl's parents but saw no one who looked like the child or seemed to missing one.

"I'm Ren. I-I don't know where my daddy is." The girl said looking at her feet. Tears pooled in her eyes as her orange hair fell in her face.

"Hi Ren, I'm Vi and this," Vi said pointing at Caitlyn who's eyes still searched the market. "Is Caitlyn. But between you and me, she looks a bit distracted right now." Vi whispered the last part with a playful smile. "Let's find your daddy, yeah?" Ren nodded and Vi scooped her up into her arms and perched the small girl on one of her shoulders.

"What do you think Ren? Think you can spot him from up there?" Vi asked as Ren giggled.

A smile graced Caitlyn's lips as she watched Vi with Ren on her shoulder. She had never had siblings, the closest friend she had in her life was Jayce when her parents became his benefactors.

"I see him! I see my daddy! He's by the blue tent!" Ren shouted excitedly as she pointed towards the stall.

"Well alright then, to the blue tent it is!" Vi said winking at Caitlyn as they made their way to the tent Ren pointed to. Caitlyn recognized the sheriff looking distraught before he saw Ren on Vi's shoulder and rushed forward as Vi put her down.

"Ren! Where on earth did you go?" He said as his eyes searched over her, making sure she was still fully intact. He looked sharply at Vi before he noticed Caitlyn standing next to her. "Officer Caitlyn. Did you help find my daughter?" He asked her as she stepped forward in front of Vi.

"In all honesty sir, little Ren here found us. I wasn't aware you even had a daughter before today." Caitlyn said in response. Her body stiffened, ready for a command.

"Yes, well for her protection I ask you to keep this all between us." Sheriff Marcus said as he picked Ren up in his arms. "Thank you, for getting her back to me safely. Both of you." He said nodding his head before walking away.

"Am I wrong or was that the sheriff?" Vi spoke watching the man leave the market with little Ren waving goodbye to her in his arms. Vi waved back.

"You're not wrong. That was indeed the sheriff." Caitlyn said popping another raspberry in her mouth. Vi picked one from the container Caitlyn held in her hand. As soon as the taste hit her tongue one thing became clear. Vi did not like raspberries and she was so focused on Caitlyn's lips that she didn't notice the taste before. Caitlyn laughed at the expression on Vi's face and put the container down.

"I guess raspberry salads are off our menu unless it's a single salad for me." Caitlyn chuckled. Vi nodded with a scowl on her face as she spit on the ground, trying to rid her tongue from the taste.

"What else haven't you tried? Get whatever you want." Caitlyn told her. Vi looked at Caitlyn, who's face was looking at her expectantly to go and try things. Vi gave in as she put her hands in her jacket pockets.

"Show me your favorites, cupcake."

And Caitlyn did as Vi walked with her from stall to stall, trying all of Caitlyn's favorite foods and sweets.

Arcane: Vi and CaitlynOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz