chapter 13- demiogd scars and nasty rumors

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Lindsay's pov

Lunch was my favorite class period of the day. It was finally the time where we didn't have to work on any math, or science, or any other stupid school related subject. We could all finally take a breather, eat, and talk to our friends without getting shushed and told, harshly, to get back to work. I mean, what normal teenager didn't like lunch? No one.

I stand in line, waiting to get my slice of pizza and other random cafeteria food. Brad stands in front of me, blabbering about Percy and Annabeth. I should be grateful that he has finally switched topics from Sabrina (his crush. he is too clueless to realize that she is a horrible person, and I should know firsthand. I was on the cheerleading team.) but Brad and I share the same schedule. He had been talking about the two all day. I was starting to get a headache.

Blocking out Brad's voice had also caused my brain to shut off, the result, me dropping all my books and crashing right into Sam Harrison.

"Ooh! I am so sorry! I didn't mean to, I was ju-" My voice rattles off before I even think about what i'm saying. Sam just smiles at me and bends over to pick up my books. Luckily, I hadn't spilled my food all over him... that would have been humiliating.

"It's alright, nothing to worry about." His chocolate eyes sparkled, making butterflies erupt in a frenzy down in the pit of my stomach. When he handed me my book back, I swear our hands touched.

Oh no. I can already feel my face going scarlett.

Sam walked off with his friends, thankfully not noticing my tomato red face. I was maybe a little head over heels for him but.... anyways. Brad had just realized that I was still in the line. He hollers at my loudly, telling me to hurry up. I sigh and hurry after him, with my still daydreaming about Sam Harrison.

Percy's pov

When Annabeth and I finally make it to the lunchroom, I immediately feel uncomfortable. All eyes are on us, and I mean all eyes. Annabeth just sucks in a breath and keeps walking. I, on the other hand, stand there awkwardly. I'm not saying that eyes are never on me, because the are, but it has never been like this.

I follow Annabeth to the line and pick up my food, still feeling a hundred gazes on me. It's starting to weird me out.

At our table in the middle of the cafeteria, everyone is already there. Brad is the 'entertainer' today... well on most days. You can hear him across the room. He tells Hazel and Frank about the time he flooded the junior hall bathroom on purpose. Hazel still looks a bit unsure of Brad, she shouldn't, she's friends with troublemakers like Leo. Frank seems to really like the guy, he has become good friends with him since we've been going to Goode. He nods and encourages him to continue with his story.

Lindsay sits across from Brad, but she is instead looking in the direction of Sam. It's obvious that she has a crush on him. Sam is on my swim team. He is nice guy I guess, but I don't really know him that well. He has short brown hair and hazel eyes. He isn't the most athletic guy out there, he is more of a math/science person, but he does have a talent for swimming.

I sit next to Leo and immediately dig into my food. I'm starving. It was a good and regular lunch up to this point. Lindsay and Brad were really getting along well with Annabeth, and it was good. That is, until Sabrina had to appear. And I was just starting to relax a bit more.

Sabrina was now approaching our table, clutching what looked like party invitations. Becca, and Lacey follow her.

"Hey Percy. I'm throwing a party this Thursday, and you need to come. Everyone is going to be there." She throws in a small wink and begins to throw invitations at me, Brad, and Lindsay. She pauses when she sees the rest of my friends.

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