chapter 1- The beginning

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Hey! this is the first chapter and I hope you enjoy and please keep reading because it does get better! thanks and enjoy!

Annabeth's POV

The snow swirled along the streets outside the window of the car, I sat in the passengers seat. Holiday lights were strewn along the roofs of houses and wrapped around trees. I loved the winter season. It was different for me, I was used to warm weather.

Argus sat in the front seat next to me. He had picked me up from the airport this afternoon, after I arrived in New York. I was nervous. Really nervous actually. My father and stepmother had agreed to let me stay in New York this year and return to camp in the summer. I needed to be closer to camp as well as Olympus to redesign it. "So... why are you nervous?" you might ask. Well there is one other reason of why I moved back to New York. I'm going to high school. With everyone: Piper, Hazel, Frank, Jason, Leo, Nico, and Percy! (I haven't seen Percy For about 4-5 months) But I was only nervous because I haven't had the greatest school experiences. And that 8 powerful demigods were going to be in one building together.

The car then lurched to a stop, and I was forced to turn my head and look at what was in front of me. It was a large brick building with 3 main parts. The middle section of the school was the largest. It had 2 sets of double glass doors, on the left and right. Concrete steps led straight up from the main lawn and parking lot. Glass floor to ceiling windows were at the front of the building, and a banner was strung across the top of the high school. It read, Welcome to Goode High. Yep. Goode high school, Percy's old school from before the labyrinth. Now, I know that I am coming here just after Thanksgiving break so it's not the beginning of the school year. They must keep that sign up all year.

The addition on the right side of the building was made of  large glass walls, like windows. Inside you could see the main office. Past that was the gym and additional classrooms. You could also see a set of stairs leading to the second floor of the building. on the left side of the building was probably classrooms and the cafeteria. You could tell that the school was very large and expanded in the back. School was just starting and students were all over the main lawn and in the parking lot.

I sat in the car for a moment longer until Argus cleared his throat.  

"Annabeth, school is going to start soon and I need to drop all of your luggage off at camp... so you should get going." He looked at me, all of his eyes were making me uncomfortable. I was shocked at first. He doesn't usually talk.

"Oh... yeah. Sorry." I replied opening the car door. As soon as I stepped out, a cold burst of winter air hit me, making me shiver. I grabbed my backpack and Argus drove away in his van.

It was time for my first day at Goode High School!


Authors Note:

I know that this was a really short chapter, but they will get longer. This is my first time sharing a story that I wrote with other people and I know that it is not amazing so... ya. I'm open to feedback (as long as it is constructive critizism and not hurtful) so let me know what you guys think. 

Disclaimer: I (sadly) do not own any of the Percy Jackson series or any characters that I have not made up my self. Rick Riordan owns them.

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