chapter 2- The new girl

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Pipers POV

Hazel, Frank, Jason, Nico, Leo, Percy, and I were at the front steps of the school waiting for school to start. It was cold outside and we were all bundled up in our coats. It was Tuesday and yesterday was the first day back from Thanksgiving break. Other students were hustling and bustling around us trying to keep warm. I heard footsteps behind me and turned around to see one of our mortals friends, Lindsay.

She was wearing skinny jeans that were tucked inside her grey uggs. Her light blue coat was obviously warm, Lindsey didn't seem the slightest bit cold. She was bouncing around happily. Her dark blue eyes were looking down at me and her dark chocolate hair tied up in a high pony.

I laughed at her giddy expression. “Hey Lindsay, what’s up? You seem extra happy today.” The rest of the group leaned in, despite the cold, and listened.

“Didn’t you hear?! There’s a new student here today!” She grinned, her smile widening from ear to ear.

Hazel spoke up next, but she was chattering from the cold. “Oh really? What’s her name?” Lindsey stood there for a moment thinking.

“Huh… I don’t think that I know her name. I haven’t seen her yet either.” She frowned. We all nodded as Brad, one of the members of Percy’s swim team, jogged over to us. Once he reached us he gazed down at all 7 of us with his light green eyes. Sandy blonde hair hung off of his head until it reached his eyes. Brad had a whole lot of freckles covering his cheeks and nose, and there was always a mischievous gleam in his eyes, especially now.

  “Hey guys! I suppose you have heard about the new girl… right?” Lindsay nodded clearly still excited. “Well, I saw her. And can I just say… she’s like a 10!” Brad continued on about how gorgeous she was and how he was planning on asking her out. I didn’t really care. Then I heard Percy’s voice.

“Wait! Brad! Hold on. Can you please describe her to us…?”

“Oh! Sure,” He paused for a moment trying to remember her face, “Well… she had curly blonde hair and was really tan. She also seemed very athletic. You could tell just by looking at her.” He smiled after he was finished. This girl reminded me of Annabeth but she was all the way in California. I turned my head to the right to look at Percy. He obviously was thinking of Annabeth after this description. You could see it in his sea green eyes. Now he was curious.

“Brad…?” Percy stood up to stand directly in front of him.


“Can you… remember what color… eyes she had…?” I was curious too. I mean, I knew that it wouldn’t be Annabeth, my best friend. But I was still curious.

Brad was puzzled. “Why would he want to know what color eyes she had?” He was probably wondering, but he still answered the question.

“Well I couldn’t see clearly. She was moving quickly and went through the side door, but I think maybe they were light blue or maybe even grey.” At this Percy’s eyes opened wide in shock. So did Leo’s and Jason’s.

“Well okay then… why do you all seem so surprised?” This time it was Lindsay.

“It’s just that we know somebody who fits that description… well perfectly. But she is all the way back in California so it can’t possibly be her…” I responded saving Percy from explaining. He has been missing Annabeth recently because they had planned to meet over Thanksgiving break but they never did.

Riiiiing! Riiiing! The bell rang signaling the start of school. Brad and Lindsay waved goodbye then headed off to first period. Jason stood up and held his hand out to help me up. I accepted and rose to my feet. Jason smiled at me and planted a kiss on my cheek.

“Come on Pipes. We gotta get to class.” We walked hand in hand inside the school thinking about this new student.


That was the end of this chapter! hope you enjoyed! Please no hate... only constructive critizism!

disclaimer: I don't own the percy jackson series... sadly.

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