Black Butler Ch.3

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Yuki's PoV

My eyes fluttered open everything blur for a while. I then realised I was in my room on the bed.

I blinked a few more times and the door opened suddenly.

In came Sebastian and Ciel. "Oh your awake." Ciel said as he walked forward with Sebastian.

I opened my mouth to speak but no sound was made.

Sebastian and Ciel noticed this. "Sebastian do something...I have to get back to work, she is your responsibility after all." Ceil said. He looked worried but that quickly changed within seconds.

"Yes, my lord" Sebastian bowed as Ciel left.

"You're hungry..." he said to me and I looked away from his gaze.

"Tell me when last did you devour a soul?" He asked. I hung my head down.

"I- I never devoured a soul before..." his eyes widened in shock. "Have you ever drank blood?" He asked. "Does milk count?" I looked up at him.

He sighed. He rolled up his right sleeve and put his wrist to my mouth. I looked at him confused.

"Drink my blood." He said.

"But that's demon blood. Does it even work for me?" I asked. "It's blood, might not be the same as human but it's blood." He responded with a smile. "You don't have a soul.."

He stayed quiet for a few seconds before shaking his head. "Blood is blood. Now drink, Milady." I nodded slowly and did as told. I bit down on his wrist and drank his blood. To admit it, it was sweet.

I stopped and glance up at Sebastian. He was blushing a little. He pulled back down his sleeve and stood up slowly.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked and I nodded. As he was about to leave I jumped off the bed and ran up to him.

I hugged him from behind, my face in his back. "Um..thank you, Sebastian." I said and he pat my head. "No problem lady Yuki." He said and left.

"Lady Yuki? Where did that come from?"

I stretched and left the room. My tail swaying side to side behind me.

As I reached the steps to go down my heart suddenly skipped a beat, causing me to place my hand on my chest, feeling a slight pain.

I stepped back from the steps. I looked down to where everyone was to see Elizabeth slamming something on the ground.

It made a tiny glass breaking sound making my ears twitched under my hair.

As I was about to go down the stairs my heart skipped a beat once again. I stepped back.

Sebastian looked up at me and saw I was struggling to come down the stairs.

He started walking up the stairs. "Are you okay, Lady Yuki?" He asked. "I- Im fine..." I lied.

"I think it was a bad idea letting you be a maid." He said. I looked at him.

"No no no it's alright im fine-" I was cut off by Sebastian lifting me up and heading down the stares.

I blushed. Before we reached the bottom he whispered in my ears. "Do me a favour and hide your tail."

He said. I nodded and did as told.

"Young master we need to talk. It's about Lady Yuki's current position." Sebastian said to Ciel.

Ciel looked upset really upset. "What is it.."he said coldly making me flinch.

Sebastian hold tightened.

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