Black Butler Ch.5

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Yuki's PoV

I was in the bathroom with Ciel and Sebastian. Yeah I said that.

Ciel was sitting in the bath full of hot warm water.

"Ludlow Castle, as I recall their building into a hotel." Ciel said. Sebastian handed Ciel a paper.

"A portion from the holders they want to hold construction and to hold the contract." Sebastian said.

Ciel stood up in the tub reading the paper as Sebastian put his shirt on him. I blushed madly and looked away.

Blood coming from my nose.


We headed to the Ludlow Castle.

"Pathetic...they cancelled a construction because of ghost there's no such thing."

Ciel said as we walked around.

"You seem a little bit unsure." Sebastian said.

"Oh be quiet, lets wrap this up and go home" Ciel said.

We entered the castle through a big door. Ciel then looked at a painting.

"I've seen this painting before, its a re-" he was cut off by the door slamming shut behind us.

A light then shined from a room. By now my ears and tail was out, alerted. I wrapped my tail around Sebastian's leg as we headed to the room.

"Who gave you three fragrance permission to enter this castle?" Someone said in a ghost way.

I moved closer to Sebastian.

"So that's it, a traveling minstrel is squatting here." Ciel said.

"You dear insult me?" The person appeared. A young male with blonde hair.

"Me the king of all England, I am Edward the fifth." He said

"This doesn't make any sense." Ciel said.

"It appears ghost do exist." Sebastian said.

Sebastian started speaking about 400years ago.

After that Sebastian walked up to Edward.

"Your majesty but may I present the honourable Lord Phantomhive." Sebastian bowed.

"Please forgive my rudeness." Ciel said. I stayed quiet.

"Fine you're forgiven, I dont really get much guest after all." Edward said.

"I am not a guest." Ciel said.

Edward and Ciel talked with each other.

Sebastian was touching my ears and tail again. "So soft, nice ugh soft." I blushed.

I spotted a boy at the door, he looked at me and Sebastian.

"I believe young Richard has taken a liking to that girl there and your butler." Edward said.

"He is my loyal servant Sebastian Michealis your majesty and the girl stays around with us for her safety, Yuki Uziru." Ciel said.

"It would be so much fun if there was a butler around and a girl." Richard said.

I realise he was holding a skull. "Indeed they both seem to be quite unusual, this could be interesting." Edward said.


In the room Ciel was playing chess with Edward. I was playing with Richard.

He played with my ears. He patted them smoothly making me purr.

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