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Cc and Dj swim ahead of me gracefully as I continue to flop around my new fin. I can't seem to get the movement right, no matter how many times I watch the others. Finally I become too exhausted and call upon the girls to carry me through the waters. Though still freezing, the water no longer has anyplace in my mind but of how clear it seems now. I try again to flip my tail and I push myself from the girls arms. Looking at me in astonishment I flip my tail again and go speeding through the waters far from them. I wait as they swim despratly trying to catch up but I'm already yelling, whooping, and laughing whilst I jump above the water and dive deep below. Cc finally catches up to where I was at and we decided to follow an ocean current down south to follow the ship. As soon as Dj comes up behind us Cc gives a brief explanation of the plan and we are off.
Zipping through the current and all its twists and turns we get to a point of where its so fast we can't see clearly on both sides of us. Dj looks back and sees a crowd of Sea Turtles. We attempt to slow down to stay in lace with them but instead they begin to pass us. Speaking through looks each of us grabs onto a turtle and rides with it down the current till they exit. Three, the ones we rode with, stayed back a little bit and began speaking. I was astonished to hear how low a turtles voice was, and even more that I could understand them.
Cc explained the situation and the turtles pointed us to the direction of the ship. "Follow the current just past the whirl pool. If you turn in time you'll miss the pool and head strait for that ship. But be careful we don't know if they are letting lose their lines.", one if the turtles tells us and we go back into the current.
Dipping in and out I scream out to the others that I see the pool. We carefully dodge the leadoff and make it. Except for me. I am pulled into the whirl pool with its force. Cc races back and catches my hand as i reach out to her. Dj goes back to get the Turtles help and returnes with the three that had helped us. Pushing hard as I can my tail fin wears out and i'm left exhausted and the others are struggling against the current itself. Pulled by the force of the swirling mass of water, we fall in and become stuck at the bottom.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2015 ⏰

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