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Cold. So cold. Dark. Black. Night. It was all I could think of. No sun, no light, no heat, just cold and dark. I feel as if I'm being crushed. Pressure. Pressure. Pressure. I open my eyes though I might not see anything. Drifting around, I see little lights. Translucent liitle creatures float around me, dancing with joy. A light off in the distance seems to come closer. Closer, and Closer. Faster it comes till it swallows the small dancing creatures. The light turns in my direction. Closer faster it comes. A fish, larger than a barrel it seems smiles at me with hideous long teeth. It snaps and I feel uncomfortable till I realize, its only eating the food that is the little creatures. Why am I alive. How am I alive. I'm at the bottom of the ocean. I remember falling from the ship, the other girls, the water, the darkness. I must be dreaming. Its a dream. I'm alseep and soon mother will wake me up for breakfast. I must be. I. I should be. Shall I never see mother's face again? Father, never to kiss me off to school, brother to never grow up with a sister? No. Stop. You will only scare yourself. Its a dream. Its all a dream. You never fell. You never met those girls. The boat doesn't exist. It never happened. Right. The girls. No. I see them. They are swimming toward me? But how? How can they see? Much less swim in the pressure of the deep? Well I'm here, so why can't they? Maybe we are dead. Yes. We are dead. That's all. Maybe I'll get to see mother from the heavens. But why is it so dark? I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared. I want my mother. I want her smile. I want to be back home. I want to go away.

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