Taking names

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Once more I open my eyes to a brighter seen. Light, Colorful, Joyful. Small fish swim around me. I remember everything and as I try to process this newfound information the two girls come at me with worried faces. I hear their voices. The Eldest asks me if I need to know anything yet, or if I'm needing some more time. The Middle hands me a sea grass top which I graciously wrap around my now bare upper torso. Wondering where my original clothes were I feel with my hand an odd outcrop on my back. Turning around I get a full view of the girls. Fins long as human legs, the Eldest has an almost turquoise tail, whilst the Middle has a simple purple tail. They too have strange outcropings on their backs which look much like more fins. On the sides of their necks long slits in the skin which I could o my guess as gills. Down their arms are web like stretches of skin and the fingers are stuck together with the webbing as well. Being only 10 I could only imagine what happened. I've become a fish. Like them. Terrified but not able to move the lower half of my body, I squirm around waiting for the others to help me. Looking down I see I'm the same only my tail is crimson red and dotted with black. Like blood with specks of a black hole, no light, just darkness. Like before. I kindly ask the girls what all had happened and their names. The Eldests name happened to be Cecilia and the Middle was Dejanair. They explained that the process required for me to be unconscious so that was the reason I fell asleep and I was being targeted by the men which was why they took me with them.Asking for my name I gave it gladly and we continued on our journey following the ship. We gave each other nicknames since whilst on the boat we were not allowed to speak much. Cecilia was CC and Dejanair was DJ. I kept my name. Clara. We continue to save our selves of the ship. We found out that the crew was indeed a bunch of crooks. On our way now. We are on our way.

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