Rocking boats

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The rain pelted the boards of the ship as if they were bullets. Crashing onto the windows the Youngest jumped at every loud boom of thunder. The crew decided to let the girls in the Captains Quarters where the Eldest brought Rum and Gin. The Middle began organizing and the Youngest would round the tables with the Eldest serving beverages. A loud crack hit the ears of the crew and the remaining members ran out to see a mast fall off of the boat nearly tipping it over. The crew immediately thought of the Eldest. They ran to her and wrapped her in thick rope, and tossed her over board. A few more minuets of holding down the sails and listening to the winds rip at the sides of the ship the storm stops and the girls notice someone missing. The Captain asks where the Eldest is and the answer what they had done. He accepts their answer and calmly explains those involved in the tossing will be held accountable once they dock once more. Thick silence surrounds the crew as they work again. Both girls take on more than one task. Boat being torn out by the storm gave the Middle much more work as she ha gotten splinters from heaving the rest of the mast that had broken over board. Not bothering to help, the men sat down and drank the remaining Rum. The Youngest, running as fast as she can trips but refuses help. Picking herself up she begins dashing again for the boats Kitchen. Finishing the food she had begun to prepare she added the rest of the sea weed wrapps and snacks were served. The men are glad to have the girl helpers until something smacks against the bottom of the bridge of the boat. The boat gets wedged between two very large rocks. Attempting to turn around the rudder of the boat breaks and need repair. An old man walks down to fix it but instead dies being crushed between the rock and rudder. Seeing this as another bad omen, locking the Youngest in the Cabin Hold, they chain the Middle child's legs and hands. Casting her to sea the ship begins to rock violently. Unwedged from the rocks they head on with fishing. Leaving the Youngest in the Hold she looks out the old rusted window to see two young women waving at her. She waves back and smiles recognizing them as the girls she had worked with. They smiled back revealing piercing fangs and waved showing off line long slender fingers. They dive back onto the water and swim fast toward the boat, smiling wide and their eyes focused on the Youngest child.

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