Merry X-mas! 12/25/14

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Here's a little short story for my beloved followers and readers. ;)

Awake, she rushes to the family room to see the tree being swallowed by packages and boxes. The tinsel is falling and the ornaments are shaking. The bright sun shines into her eyes as she walks over to a peculiar shaped jewelry box. Adorned in diamonds the box shines and the girl opens it. Lying inside is a crystal jewel upon a golden thread. Crying in joy she places the necklace delecatly around her neck and it rests upon her chest. Glowing with pride the girl helps pass the rest of the family their presents being ever so graceful in fear her new gift shall break. Her new born brother smiles and brings his attention to the shining object that is strung upon his sisters neck. Reaching out he slips from his mothers hold falling into the arms of his sister whom of which gave him his own baby bracelet to play with. Merry Christmas Guys!;P

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