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Running out to deck the Youngest exclaimed that she had seen the other girls swimming for the boat. The. Crew believed she was only traumatized since the other Two had been tossed over. Sending her to the Infirmary onboard the ship. Looking outside, she saw the girls waving at her again but in the water. They then began rocking the boat, tossing the crew off to one side. The Youngest ran out and looked over at the girls. The two girls immediately pulled on the boat. Jumping out of the water they landed on the boat and gently smiled. The sea now creating large waves, continually rocking the boat the crew freeze at the sight. The two jump off and try to grab the little girl. The Captain slices their soft skin in an attempt to get them away from the Youngest. Becoming angry the Eldest snaps at the Captain and breaks his arm. The Middle takes the Youngest but slips. A few of the crew members grab the Youngest and hold her tight till the girls push and pull on the belt of the ship. The Youngest gets thrown out of their hands and tossed over board.

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