such a dick

789 31 11

she can home, hoping none of the girls from her school were following her. as her feet repeatedly hit the pavement, she felt her breath slowly running out. Marlow was getting closer and closer to her street when she saw her mom's car leave the driveway. "shit, shit, shit!" she ducked under a bush and watched the old, burgundy car pass the stop sign.

a sigh of pure relief left Marlow's mouth as she continued running. as she ran up the steps to her house, she realized the door was locked. and there was no way in hell she'd call her mom for the keys.

Twitter DMS

I'm locked out of my house

I don't care?


why r u messaging me

our texts were a one-time thing, m.

to you.

I have no friends, spare me

what no

leave me alone


so how are you

i said leave me alone


why won't you stop texting me

it's the first time in forever

ooh frozen

well, it's the first time in a long time I have had someone to talk to. im sorry if im getting dedicated too soon

not my problem.

just lay off the texting.

"dick," she muttered. Marlow knew he was just being stubborn, no way that kid had friends.

her back slid against the door as she started to tweet.

Mars @Milsey
that quackity guy is a dick. all I do is be nice to him and I receive very mean messages.... poor me and L quackity.

user @user
damn bro got played by quackity 💀

user @user
L quackity

user @user
he doesn't deserve,  you, queen❗

user @user

user @user
I never liked him anyway

the sun slowly set over the horizon. Marlow's car could be heard in the distance. the screech of the rubber tires steering on the ground. the car pulled into the driveway as it let out a dark cloud of exhaust. her mom stepped out of the car and slammed the door closed.

"what the fuck are you doing out here, Marlow! get inside." her mother yelled.

"I don't have the keys. you took them."

an intense breath broke out of Marlow's mother's mouth as she rushed towards the door. she opened it and walked inside. Marlow followed behind and dropped her backpack on the couch. "go take out the trash."

"it's your turn-" a cough escaped her mom's lips.

"I- don't... don't care! I'm tired!!" she shrieked.

Marlow grabbed the plastic handles on the bag and set it outside.

She began to rub the wipes over her face, revealing a few acne spots along her cheeks. the dark circles and heavy bags under her eyes began to appear again. Marlow tossed the wet cloth into the trash and continued to stare at herself.

my nose is too big.

my lips are so tiny.

my hair looks greasy.

my eyes are so gross-looking.

I hate the acne spots along my cheeks.

my eyelashes are way too small.

my eyebrows are so bushy.

I want a fresh hair color.

I'm not that ugly...

but I'm not very pretty.

I'll put on extra makeup next time.

"Tiger, come here." Alex sucked his teeth. the cat pounced over into Alex's lap and wriggled into his stomach.

"I love you, darling. so much." he brushed his hands over Tiger's delicate, gingery fluff. a purr escaped Tiger's mouth (?) as his eyes fluttered closed.

they soon opened again when loud, thundering gunshots were heard right outside the window. Alex sighed.

"I'm sorry. I know you're tired."

the pounding noises continued for a few more minutes. Spanish curse words were sobbed.

"I will give you a better life, Tiger. I promise. I'll do anything." he meowed.

bees venting corner

hey honey

so like im kinda sad rn

what about u fam???

hope all is well, I love you. make sure to take care of yourself.

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