Another day

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I woke up to my alarm, this time it was mine my clock said 5:12 Am I slid out of sapnap arms and walked to the bathroom scratching my head with my eyes nearly open.

I turned the sink on and washed my face and brushed my teeth I walked back into my room picking my outfit for school.

What outfit he picked

What outfit he picked

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Sapnap p.o.v

I woke up to karl gone. I got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth I grabbed my toothbrush from my bag and started to brush my teeth I grabbed my clothes from my bag and put them on.
His outfit

I went downstairs stairs and when I was walking down stairs I heard Karl FaceTiming someone I heard quackity voice yelling at karl and karl yelling at quackity but they was giggling so it didn't bother me I walked in and sat on the couch on my pho...

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I went downstairs stairs and when I was walking down stairs I heard Karl FaceTiming someone I heard quackity voice yelling at karl and karl yelling at quackity but they was giggling so it didn't bother me I walked in and sat on the couch on my phone I opened it and saw

Missed called from:girlfriend 16x
Missed call from: Dream😮‍💨 20x
Missed called from: George 12x

"Shit" I said under my breath I made a group and called it

"Hey where are you sap?" George said.

"BABY HIII are you over kabrl or karl house again" my girlfriend said.

"Dude stfu hoe and it's karl don't disrespect my friend like that" dream says

I hung up because I didn't wanna be apart of that.

Karl grabbed his book bag and walked out the door "COME ONE"he said yelling outside I got up grabbed my stuff and went out the door. I got into the car and I wanted to drive so I did. Once I was driving I really wanted to put my hand on Karl's thigh I don't know why I was just desperate with out thinking I did it my face got red and I felt Karl looking at me
How it was but in the car and Karl's thigh and sapnap hand

 Once I was driving I really wanted to put my hand on Karl's thigh I don't know why I was just desperate with out thinking I did it my face got red and I felt Karl looking at me How it was but in the car and Karl's thigh and sapnap hand

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After that it was a nice drive we played sweater weather and singed to it we arrived at school and we both got out we grabbed are book bags and walked in together

Karls p.o.v

After we got out the car I went over to quackity and Wilbur I jumped on Wilbur back with out him knowing I almost fell but Wilbur grabbed my thigh and pushed me up "I hate you" he mumbled "yeah ok keep thinking that you just love me" I said "COME ON LETS TAKE PICTURES IN THE BATHROOM"  we rushed to the bathroom and opened the door ima take pictures ok? "Alright " quackity said I posted this picture on my instagram.

After we got out the car I went over to quackity and Wilbur I jumped on Wilbur back with out him knowing I almost fell but Wilbur grabbed my thigh and pushed me up "I hate you" he mumbled "yeah ok keep thinking that you just love me" I said "COME ...

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In the school bathroom 😮‍💨

I got a notification that said "Sapnapz liked your post" I clicked on it and it was the photo I just posted. The bell ringed and we all rushed out the bathroom to go to are class.

I opened the class room door and rushed in "SORRY IM LATE PLEASE DON'T GIVE ME DETENTION" I said looking over at sapnap and his girlfriend I saw that his girlfriend was rubbing all over it him it made me sick.

I walked over to my seat and sat down I opened my note book and started to write I heard someone go "psit" in my ear I looked over and saw a guy "huh?" I said looking at him "wanna be friends?" He said trying to whisper "sure" I said trying to do the same thing

Sapnap P.O.V

In the middle of class I heard someone say psit I look over and saw a guy trying to get Karl's attention it made me mad a little but I keep looking at him to see why he was trying to get his attention so bad.  Finally Karl looks back at him (yk what they said) but I saw something weird they did I saw the guy write on a pice of paper and give it to Karl?

Class ended early idk why but it just did i got up and I heard my girlfriend say "hey you coming over my house this weekend right?" "Sorry I got plans " I said walking away I felt her get mad but I didn't care all I wanted was Karl...

Karls P.O.V

I walked out of the class room meeting with Wilbur and quackity. We grabbed are stuff out of are lockers and went home we went to my house once we got there we all sat on the floor on are phones. I got a text from sapnap

There texts

S: hey uh.. this is a weird question but can I uh come over?

K: yeah ofc but quackity and Wilbur are here tho..

S: it doesn't matter I just wanna come over

K: haha ok come over

I thought it was kinda weird that he wanted to come over so bad 9 minutes past and I heard a knock on my door "COME IN AND LOCK THE DOOR" because I already knew it was sapnap he walked in my room and walked to me and sat next to me
"hola Jacobs" it made me blush a bit but I said hi back 3 hours past and Wilbur and quackity left it was just me and sapnap left. he got tired and ended up going to sleep I was tired to so we both went to sleep.

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