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"Please, just this once. I'll buy your battle pass for two months!" she bribed, which made me stop, and turn my way on her. I smirk, and gave her a simple nod.

"Yes! Now, get ready because we only have 25 minutes left, Lu!"

"Hey, you didn't tell me that!" What the heck. Komi is always like this, geez. I don't even have any decent clothes here. I open my wardrobe and stared at my hoodies, pajamas, and sports wear. 

"Oh, for cake's sake. Here, I'll give this to you. I haven't worn that yet." she shoved her white dress, with blue flower details on me. "Now, get dressed, lady." she adds, pushing me on to the bathroom.

"Also, wear contacts. Your eyeglasses are too big. The frame don't match the outfit." she winks, and blep before leaving me.


"Lumie, is that you?" I turned to the voice, and it was our President of the club before, Kei. He was one of my few close friends because he was extremely friendly, and for some unknown reason he nominated me to be his Assistant back in the Junior days, so I had no choice but to be friends with him. Eventually, I opened up to him, and we're good friends now.

"Oh wow, you look cool." I said, he seems to be in shock, so I laugh it off. I caught him off guard, I guess. He shakes his head, and smiles, "You look great today." he said. I just nod at him, as if telling him that I know. 

"Komi here, hey Pres! Are they here yet?" she shouts, Komi is always hyper but she's extra loud because she knows that Pres rented the whole area for this mini reunion.

We went in, and all I can say is, this looks so dramatic. I don't dislike it, but it has just been two years since we last saw each other. Well, I don't think it is that long, but whatever. This looks like fun because they have delicious looking food at the diner too. 

"Komi, I'll just look around outside." I told her because she would panic if she didn't know. It sounds kind of over, but something happened before, wherein I made Komi cry lots because she kept on looking for me. After that, I always tell her whenever I leave her side, especially in cases like this one. 

"Where? I could accompany you." Kei pops off nowhere, I gestured my hands that I don't want to. Kei understands, so he just nod, and told me to be careful. I appreciate that, but this garden is not that big. Nothing bad will happen, I gue--

"Oh, fudge." Wow, as soon as I got 20 steps, I tripped from nothing. Stupid, me. I just sigh, and sat here for two minutes. I'm waiting for my foot to feel a little better. It does not hurt much, but wounds scare me sometimes. I shook my head, and grab the handkerchief inside my pocket, I gently tap the small scar, and tied the hanky over it. I could have stand after that, but I could not because when I look up, the stars shine brightly. I could not see the moon, but the stars are alluring.

"You're there during daytime, just not seen because it is not your time. But..." I smiled talking to myself again, "You stayed, you're still there during the darkest hours. You shine brightly too. I guess, not everyone glows in the light, huh?" I always have this habit of talking to myself, it feels better letting out whatever I want to say with no one hearing me. 

People ruin everything they see. I still believe in the good of them, but they tend to dislike things that are different to theirs. That's why, I don't want to show this little world of mine. They might take it away from me.

"That was a great line." I flinched when I heard a voice not too far from me. It was unfamiliar, but the presence is familiar. It's odd, but that happens too. I look at the owner of the voice, and smile, it is him. I did not expect him to attend this party. 

"Thanks, just my childish thoughts." I told him, looking away because I did not want him to see me blush. He might think I'm weird, blushing to stranger. I know him, though. But we never talked this way before. Just few times, but all about club activities. 

"Here, if you need to." he said, I was surprised because he offers his hands. Yes, I'm still sat on the ground with the awkward anime hanky on my ankle. I took the chance to hold his, and he gently lifts me up. He's strong, he did that on one hand.

"Thanks... Shou." I said, eyeing him to see if I got his name right. He nod, and squeezed my hand that holds his, so I gazed at our hands, and suddenly, he nervously stop holding mine. "Sorry." he added. We went inside, and there are about... 15 people inside including us.

Komi ran to me, she looks drunk but she's sobber. "You guys... know each other?" she ask, she looks confused. I nod in response, "Yeah, I met him outside." Komi stared at Shou for awhile, then shrugs, as if she was saying whatever.


Shou is here. He is here. 

I liked him. But it was just a simple crush. Nothing deep. I don't even understand why I was attracted to him. It sounds funny, and something out of a shoujo manga but I think it started when he saved me from a group of guys trying to harm me. I don't think he remembers well, though. He didn't seem to know my name. 

I sigh, and shake my head. I should stop this. I'm already 22, plus, he is real. Not one of my fictional man written by a woman collection in my head. 

"By the way~" someone shouts in the room, we are currently on the table. Some standing, some sitting. I sat beside President because he kept chatting with me earlier. We look at the previous Vice President, she is Hue. She eyed me, and smirk. Oh no, why would she do this...

"I saw Pres and Lumie enter the room together. Is there something going on between you two?" she grins, and I put the palm on my face gesturing I was disappointed with the way she thought of that. She likes hurting herself. I know, because I think, she likes President.

"There's none. I came here with Komi. Pres just welcomed us, earlier." I told her, and everyone in the room who wanted to see me flustered. They wanted to get reaction from me, but I won't give in. Hue giggles, and came towards to my direction to hug Kei. "I'll take him, then!" she declares. Everyone laugh, and they forgot about whatever happened.

"Komi, I'll be outside for a bit." I told Komi who was busy talking to... hmm, I see. I raised an eyebrow to the guy and mouthed, "Take care of her or else." he laughs at my remarks, and gave me a thumbs up. It was her first love.... which never happened. It was one sided for Komi.

I decided to step out in the pool area, not the garden part. The view was pretty at the garden but the water pool reflects the sky because it is an open area. I wanted to see their reflection on the other sides too.

"You're here, too." I grin when I heard the voice behind me, I did not even need to look at his way to know it was him. The familiar presence I will never get tired of.

It WAS Lumie, it WAS before.

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