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"Where are you, right now?" Shou asks over the phone. He suddenly gave me a phone call, so, I don't exactly know what he needs me for. I told him where I was, and he said bye, as he waits for me to hang up. I think he always forgets to hang up when we are in call, so, I do it myself.

I'm headed outside the university because Shou told me, he will be there in three minutes. I guess, he's near the uni, right now. 

"Hey Lu!" I heard a faint voice from behind, calling my name. I turned to see Kei, waving to my direction. He looks different today, not good kind of different. Is he alright? Still, he smiled at me.

"Pres, are you alright?" I popped. He didn't seem to expect the line, but his smile got brighter. He nods and pats my head, "I'm fine now, thanks!" I just nod at his response, and let him mess my hair because he does this when he feels stressed out. I understand, because he was the same in my junior years. 

"Uh.. Pres, I have to go." I told him, when I saw a familiar car outside the uni's gates. "Hmm?" he leans. As I tried to push his face away, another hand got on his face, I looked at the owner of the familiar hands, "Shou!", my voice sure sounds excited. 

"Foul." Pres said, gently removing Shou's hands away from his face. "Still the same, Shou." Pres added, shaking his head, as if he was scolding a kid. "Kei, you can go now." Shou said, eyeing Pres to go. What's happening?

"Of course, of course. I will." Pres sighs, but he gave a last smile and head pat before leaving. I just nod at him, and waved our byes. Will Pres be ok? He didn't seem too well earlier. I snapped back to reality when Shou leans to my face closely, he's getting bolder.

"W-what?" I said, not moving away from him. I have to... try hard. Besides... he smells... nice. I saw how his eyebrows frown. "Are you into Pres?" he blurts out. I immediately waved both of my hands to gesture him, no. 

Are you dense, Shou? 

"Hmm, ok.." he said, unsure of himself. He backs away to stare at me, he's standing in front of me; his head titled to left side, his right hand inside his pocket, with a business suit even! Is this even alright? He looks so freaking good like this. I sighed and confess, "I was just worried, he didn't seem fine." I told him, maybe he would understand. It's Shou, afterall. 

"Is that all?" I immediately look at his way because I was looking down earlier. Did I hear him, right? "What?" I confirmed, "Is that all?" he repeats, looking at me straightly. I don't know why but I didn't like how he said that. "It's not..." I got a bit frustrated for I don't know what reason. "Nevermind." I said, giving up the conversation. Why do I feel so offended? 

"Lumie, wait!" he ran after my steps. "No, Lumie, I didn't mean it that way." he gasp for air and gently grabs my left arm. Did I walk too fast? I just stared at his face, as he smiles at me, my favorite smile. "What I meant was, Kei- no, President already told me about it." he confessed.

I looked at him, confused, "Hue and Kei got some misunderstanding between them. Hue told me about it." he adds, moving his hand from my arm down to my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. Wait, Hue and Shou? How? 

"Don't misunderstand now, Hue and I are cousins. My mom and her mom are biological sisters."  he assures, looking at me with puppy eyes. I pursed my lips because he looks adorable. I just nod as a response, in which he gave me another smile with a slight blush. "I'm sure Kei will be just fine, so..." he said, looking down, his left hand not letting go of mine. His right hand, scratching his nape out of shyness. 

"So?" I asked, I heard him mumble, "You can stop thinking about him, now." with that, he looks at me straight in the eyes as if I have to do as he said, or he would sulk. No way is the great Shou I only looked at from far before, now staring at me, holding my hand right now! He's even acting cute!

I just nod at him as I avoid his gaze, because as far as my heart can take this, I don't think I'm ready for any of what is happening now. I heard him chuckle, he probably saw how red I am, I think, he likes it when I blush around him. 

"I planned to treat you for dinner, do you have the time?" he confirms,  "I'd love to!" I said with anticipation. He laughs quietly, and  nod at me. "Are you excited?" Wow, why does it feel like I'm being treated like a kid. "I.. I am. But, I'm not a kid... I can treat you too." I declared, realizing how childish I am whenever I hang out with him. 

We are inside his car and it is around 6pm. I don't have a curfew because Komi and I lives in a house we rent, plus, I got my spare keys.

"You don't have to, but I'm sure even what I say would not stop you." he chuckles, did he just say I'm stubborn but in a good way? I guess he has his way with his words. Clever. 

"Yes, be prepared." I insisted. Now, I'm starting to feel sleepy, I yawned a bit, and catch his eyes looking at me. Oops. "I'm fine." I said because my guts tell me I have to say it. "Clearly not, after dinner, I'll get you home, so, be sure to rest well." he said in a kind tone. He sounds worried.

We arrived at the restaurant he brought me the first time, I guess he loves the dishes here. Filipino cuisine, I see, he has the same taste as me! Filipino cuisines taste amazing, and flavorful. No wonder he loves it here too.

"This adobo tastes really good." I said, giggling as I bite. I immediately look at him, and when our eyes met, I felt the heat on my cheeks. Was he staring the whole time? That was embarrassing. I shook my head lightly, in which he chuckles.

"You love Filipino cuisines, that's one, and two..." he said, giving me the slice of chicken meat from the adobo, "Two, is because you're making the happy and satisfied face. Three is..." he stopped, putting his knife and fork down. His elbows on the table, the back of both his hands below his chin, "Three is I love seeing that face the most, it's genuine and unguarded." he declared with a blushing face, still, he smiles at me, 

Now, that smile he made is one in a million. That smile is my most favorite, now.

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