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"Do you remember him?" Komi said, showing me an old class photo, pointing at a guy at the back row. I shook my head when I saw the face, I don't clearly remember who the person is. Komi just nod in response, she swivels her rolling chair towards her table, and put the photo back at her album.

"I saw him yesterday and, weirdly, well, that's if you really don't know him..." she said, her eyebrows in a frown. "He told me to say hi to you, before that, he asked me if we still see each other." she continues, sounding confused. It was my turn to frown, I don't really recognize the guy. 

"Maybe, he was an acquaintance in my junior years, you know, as class officers." I said, assuring Komi that there was nothing to worry about. Komi is sensitive with things like this. "Hmm, maybe. But, you're not too sure about it too. Also..." she said, grinning from ear to ear. I raised  an eyebrow at her as a sign for her to continue, "Shou is here now, I'm sure he would be there for you too." she adds, with a wacky face, teasing me about Shou.

"I.. I can handle things by myself, Komi." I told her, looking away at her face because she might notice that I'm blushing for such reason. "Hmm, hmm." she teases me with her tone, nodding in satisfaction with the way I reacted with the mention of Shou's name.

"Whatever. By the way, I'm going out for groceries." I told her, finally getting up on my bed. It's 8am, I woke up at 6am with Komi busy doing her work in front of laptop. Komi does academic commissions for reasonable prices online because it pays well as a side hustle, she said. 

"What do you want for this week?" I asked Komi before I leave, she has been working late night these past few days. It's time to give her the fruit of her labor, at least, from me. I grabbed my long coat, and wore my white boots.

"I'll have beans, thank you for today as always!" she yells, running towards my direction to escort me until the gate. "Ok, beans it will be. Don't overwork yourself. I'll be back before lunch." I told her, giving her a head pat and walk my way out. 


"Oh, shoot. It's war today." I told myself as I saw the huge sign in front of the supermarket. 

I guess, I have to put my guard up today. It's war because the supermarket is on its monthly sale in a 50% all discount which only happens twice a year, during fall and winter. I sigh, as I stare at the eggs. I can sense the aunties from every side, eyeing the precious eggs. It's a buy one take one too, sigh. If only I can clone myself just for today. I did my last sigh, looking away at the eggs. I should get water first, it's a buy one take one as well. I stepped away from the eggs, and made my way to the water section.

Sale will be on ten minutes. It will start at 10:10 ending at 11:10, so it will really be a riot later. It's currently 10am. I sigh, again, staring at the ceiling as I pout. "I forgot to bring Grandma." I mumbled, lifting the water gallon to put at my shopping cart. Grandma lives in the neighborhood near the supermarket, she always let me borrow her presence to get b1t1s, but I forgot to tell her earlier. Now, I'm alone, I can't take all four. 

"Need help?" a voice behind me said which made me flinch, and almost throw the gallon at their face. Who is he, I look at his face, and remembered that he was the guy who Komi told me about this morning. The assumed acquaintance. I shook my head lightly, finally avoiding his gaze, "I'm fine, thanks." I told him, slowly pushing my cart away from him.

"Hmm, I could help you, so you can take all fours." he declares, I can feel his presence as he walks behind me. He's now facing me with a huge grin. But... yeah, he has a point. I can use his presence instead. If he turns out to be a bad guy, I could instantly knock him out.

"Not bad, but..." I confirmed, "I don't exactly know who you are, I'm sorry." I bow, it would be rude to get a help from him. He acts like he is familiar with me, but I don't truly know him. 

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