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"She's with me." Rui said, casually putting his right arm over my shoulder. What's up with him? I removed his hold, and rolled my eyes at him. "Is he hitting on you?" he whispered, but enough for Ao to hear. Is he doing this on purpose?

"No, we know it each other." I told him, he might have misunderstood the situation. It does look like that Ao is a bit persistent from the way he looks. Rui looked confused, so I introduced them to each other. Ao was staring at Rui, does he know him too?

"Rui, this is Ao. Ao, this is Rui. Ao, I can't take your offer because I already made plans with Rui. Also, I'm not a fan of being outside. I may have rejected the offer either way. But, thanks for asking." I told him, and bow before dragging Rui outside. He didn't give Ao a friendly aura, he wasn't like this with Shou. 

"Wait, are you together? How about Shou, does he know about this?" Ao said, running after us outside the sweets shop. He certainly misunderstood the situation. I sighed, release my hold with Rui, and face Ao with a bored face.

"No, I'm with Shou, not Rui. Yes, Shou knows about this. He will pick me up later after helping Rui." I told him with a straight face. The last part was a lie, I got carried away. There was no way he was coming to take me home. He's too busy for weekends.

"I'm sorry, we have to go. Thanks for the choco taro. I'll pay it for it next time!" I thanked him, and went off with Rui.

Earlier when I was in cashier, they told me that I don't have to pay for my orders. I was not supposed to accept free stuff, but the cashier told me that their job is on the line if I didn't accept the offer. It's probably Ao's idea, I heard that sweet shop is famous not because of the sweets but because it's under his business. I thought I read the reviews wrong, but what happened made me realize it was true.


"That didn't went well, huh. You even hid us, and she even found out about your business. You think she's a fan?" Momo teased Ao who's in shock right now. 

"She's dating your brother?" he tries to confirm at Momo who just shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe, maybe not. It's not my business. I rarely meet that guy." he replied.

"Clearly, that guy she's with likes her." Midori joins, his tone confirming what he just saw. 

"Well, she's pretty and she has the guts!" Aka said, patting Ao's back, comforting him with lines Ao didn't want to hear just to tease him.


"Are you in a romantic relationship with Shou?" Rui asked, technically I'm not, I just wanted to say that because that's how I feel about Shou. I shook my head, not looking at him, "Huh?" he replied, "I don't understand, before, you said that-" I put my pointer finger on his lips to shut him up. "It's best to not talk about it now. I'm here to help you, not for you to mind my business." I told him in a sharp tone. That conversation is out of Rui's touch, anyway. It doesn't concern him, but I appreciate if he's worried.

He seems to be shocked with what I did, "O-ok, I'm sorry." he gave an awkward smile, "Let's go in there. My Mom is a fan of bags." he pointed a luxurious store. Wow, I can't even step inside those branch, I think even the air inside is expensive. It just screams expensive all over. She is his Mom, alright.

"It's fine, Lumie!" Rui chuckles, he saw how my expression changed, huh. Anyway, there is always a first time with everything. I guess, I have to experience another first time here. I tend to overthink things before I even go through them. I nod at Rui, and went inside the store with him.

"Mhm, you mentioned that your Mom was a youth leader for environmental conservation, right?" I commented, watching him pick pretty bags that he thinks would suit his Mom. He nods, and gave me a look, "What about it?", I don't know if what I say would make some sense but, "If that's so, I think she would like something sustainable and an environmental-friendly item." 

He stopped for a moment, his eyes expressing surprised, "I knew I could count on you. Let's get out of here." he said, grinning. I nod at him and we went our way to a sustainable shop I know. They produce environmental-friendly and sustainable pieces. This shop is underrated but they produce quality pieces such as beach bags, eco-friendly kitchen wares, some cosmetics, and hand woven clothes, what amazes me here is the paper. 

Apparently, these recycled paper are made from papers too. I don't remember the name of the process but they have a poster that teach the customers how to do it in five easy steps if they bought a stack of the said papers. I once bought them and tried it myself, it's cool because it works well. Also, they're offering to teach the customers for free if they wanted to learn the process on the spot.

"What's the matter?" I asked Rui, he looks amused when we reach inside the store. I know right, there is so much to learn from it just by visiting and looking around. He smiled at me as he shook his head. 

"Ok, come here." I told him to join me because I was in front of the rattan bags. This could go as beach bag, I wonder if his Mom often visits similar places. "Rui, is your Mom a beach babe?" I ask, unsure if this rattan will actually match his Mom's taste. It is sustainable but I wonder if it would match her standards for a bag considering that we went in a luxurious shop already.

"Pft." he burst, "What the heck is a beach babe? Are you serious?" he said, laughing loudly. I had to tell him to lower his voice, fortunately, we're the only ones inside the store. The cashier didn't mind us, I guess it's because I'm a regular here. 

"Well, is she?" I ask again, Komi calls herself a beach babe because she loves beach and she goes there once every month to relieve her menstrual cramps. That's why I ask Rui if his Mom is a beach babe, the bag may not make her too happy if she can't use it.

"Stop it, I can't laugh anymore. But yeah, if you mean that she loves going to the beach." he said, finally breathing properly. I didn't make a joke but he laughed so much. Is beach babe not a thing?

"Mhm, wait right here." I told him and walked my way to the cashier. She's the daughter of my Mom's friend, we're basically childhood friends but we're not that close. Her name is Chika, "Hey, sorry for that." I said, waving my hello, she just nod at me. "Your boyfriend?" she asked, I immediately waved both my hands to disagree. "I'm helping him out, can you give me your prettiest and latest version of rattan collection? Preferably popular with women of older age." I said, obviously asking for her assistance. She just nod at me.

It didn't take her long to show me one, "Wow, here Rui." I turned to show Rui, but he was already behind me, he looks amazed at the rattan bag too. It's similar to those luxurious ones except it is sustainable and made with rattan. "We'll take this!" Rui said, nodding nonstop as a sign that he approves of the quality. "Good choice." Chi said with a smile. Chi is pretty when she smiles like this. I saw how Rui stared at her for a moment. Mhm, Chi is the prettiest smiling genuinely.

"Thanks Chi!" I told her, she just bowed at me. "Also, can we take some paper lessons?" I asked, I want to spend more time with Chi, we haven't bond lately because we attend different universities. "S-sure." she nervously smiles. 

"Paper lessons?" Rui, looking at me, I just nod at him. I think Rui would enjoy this kind of stuff too. Besides, he could befriend Chi with that social skills he has. Chi would be delighted to have a new friend too. This could work, I guess. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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