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"I see, I get it now." Komi giggles, preparing the strawberry drinks for Shou and Rui. I turned to her, waiting for her to add on what she said. "Shou is probably jelly." she stated, grinning from ear to ear, with a quick glance at the two guys.

"Eh? Reason?" I asked her, confused with what she meant. "Rui, stupid." Komi says, rolling her eyes at me. Eh? Why would Shou get jealous with someone I just met? I don't even recognize Rui just as much as I do to him. 

"Yeah, I know what you're thinking but you and Shou are not on that path yet, right? In short, he will get anxious about these things." She adds, tapping both my cheeks, as if she was telling me to wake up and realize it myself already. I just shook my head lightly, and smile at Komi, "I get it." I told her, and we went to the dinning table to serve Rui and Shou.

"Ah, let me help." Shou and Rui said at the same time, walking towards me, both of their hands acting to help me. Komi giggles, and with that, Shou snatched the tray of pasta from me. Rui noticed this, and just smiles at me. The three of us sat down, and started eating lunch.

"This tastes amazing, you still cook good, Lumie!" Rui exclaims, slurping at the pasta I made. It's nothing new or extra ordinary, I wonder why he said still, though. "Did I cook for you before?" I dared, I don't remember cooking for anyone else other than Komi.

"You don't remember huh, three day camping at F University." he said, forming letter O with his left hand and I on the other. "Oh! Right, I cooked for people there before. Wait," it suddenly occurred to me, "Does that mean you were one of those few volunteers?" I said, pointing at him. I don't remember him well, though. 

It was a three day free camping trip at F University in exchange of charity and services for the orphanage that the University's President sponsors every year. Although, there were only few volunteers, maybe around 15, I think Shou was there too.

"Shou--" I was cut off when Rui started talking, "Yes, I only joined there because I knew you would." he smiles at me, and continue eating his portion in the plate. That sounds confusing, "Why? Have we met before the day you told me earlier?" I challenged. I also saw how quickly Shou gave him a stern look, or maybe I didn't see it right?

"A- ack!" Komi chokes on her food, so, I immediately handed her water, and lightly pat her back. "Better?" I asked, still patting her back, and she nods as a response. After that, the four of us went back to eating silently but Rui would try to converse with me from time to time, while Shou, he looks calm, the same Shou I know. 

I want to talk to him, just the two of us.

"Do you wanna say something, Lumie?" Shou utters as he gave me a look, I instantly shook my head and went back eating. Did I stare at him for too long? With that, I also caught Rui looking at me, and he gave me a little smile. 

After the unexpected lunch, the two guys went out, Komi and I are alone now. I want to rest, but I haven't talk to Shou that much yet. "Now, now, do you understand what situation you are in, Lulu?" Komi burst at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, I have an idea but I don't think it's right to think this way. They never said a word, I should not assume things from mixed signals. It's not my thing. Komi sighs at my response, "Apparently, Rui has taken a liking to you. I don't know if it leans to this," she said forming a heart at her hands, "or this." she adds, laying both of her palm.

"I don't think he likes me this way," I replied, forming a heart using my hands. "We just met, even if he has fond memories of me, I don't think I'm that likeable enough to have feelings for after a short reunion." I told her, being reasonable, so, Komi wouldn't tease me for such assumptions.

"Hmm, I guess you're right. Just be careful around him too, he observes a lot." she warns me with a giggle, should I take that seriously? "Komi, I have something to tell you." maybe I should tell her? Komi looks at me, "Umm, nevermind." I said, changing my mind.

Komi nods at me and went back to her work.


I'm quite busy this evening, because I slept after lunch. I don't like having too much free time, so, when I woke up from my nap, I started cleaning the house. I'm at my last chore, cooking for dinner. I already wash the sheets, sweep and mop the floor, ceiling, and windows. I was planning to redecorate the stuff in the living room, but I trust Komi with that. She loves playing with colors and designs. 

After putting my apron, I went to check on Komi, gently knocking before I opened her door, "Any food you want to eat tonight?" I whispered, she was on a call. She gave me a thumbs up which means, anything is fine. Anything, huh. I'll just make her rice balls since they are easy to eat for busy situations.

15 minutes later, and I'm done. These two box of rice balls should be fine until next week. I'll just tell Komi to heat them before eating. 

"Aaaah!" Komi screams which made me run inside her room without knocking, expecting the worse...... fortunately, it seems that she just won some tickets from her favorite band. She celebrated by waving the tickets with a wide smile in front of me, "I won! I won!" I sigh, and clap for her as she jumps from joy. 

"Good for you, now, you-" my phone rings, it displays Shou's ID. I immediately answer the call, and left Komi with her mini celebration. "Lumie," he calls, "Yes, it's me."  I confirmed which made him laugh, "I know, Lumie. I called, not asked." he calmly reasoned. 

"Do you wanna go out tonight? My treat because I'm the one who asked." he said, it's his logic. "Sure, is it for dinner?" I made sure, because I feel full. "Hmm? You normally wouldn't ask, then, it's your choice." It feels nice knowing that Shou definitely understands my words.

"Then... how about a walk?" I offered, Shou is not the type to walk around the town. Maybe I should just change the plan, "Sure, walking around with you sounds fun." he sounds happy about it. Maybe I don't know Shou that much.

"Great, I'll see you later, please take care on your way here." I told him before hanging up, "Sure, wait for me inside, Lumie." he said,  after that, I hang up.

"Is it ok to talk to you now?" Komi pops out, I nod at her. It seems like she has finished celebrating her win. Good for her. "Please go with me to this music festival!" she bows, offering me her ticket. I grabbed it,  "Music Festival for people who lives with the tunes?" I read the text. 

"Yes, it's their line. I would have brought some people who are real fans, but most of their fans are not trustworthy for being in VIPs, besides it's only two tickets and I wanted to experience such things with you, so," Komi lines, giving me her puppy look. I think she just wanted me to come because she feels comfortable with me, knowing that she likes such bands. 

"Ok." I agreed, simply nodding at her. I saw how Komi's face lights up when I nod, "Ah, I'm going out with Shou tonight." I told her and run inside my room to get ready, Komi would sure bug me for details if I didn't. 


"In short, you are going out with Komi this Saturday night to meet the boy band." Shou concluded after I told him about how Komi won the tickets, and invited me wholeheartedly, even if I was not a fan nor do I know them. 

I nod at him as response, "Yes, that's why I'll borrow their album later to listen to their song, so, I would not embarrassed Komi when the day comes." 

"You sure would." he smiles, while carefully pouring me some water. I mouthed thanks. Shou looks like he is in a good mood tonight. I wonder, "How are you feeling today, Shou?" I asked because I wanted to know. I'm genuinely curious of what he actually does.

Shou rarely talks about himself at such depth. 

"Thanks for asking Lumie, it was good. But," he paused, giving me the look. I got confused, so, I returned the look he gave me, waiting for him to finish. "But, it went better tonight." 

I immediately get what he meant, so, I just smiled at his remark as he blushes from his own line.

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