Chapter 2

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[TW: Mention of death]

Makoshark looked across the open sea, diving down to swim again. She needed to visit the Pantala tribes again, specifically Yucca, a SilkWing. Schools of fish fled away from her, causing small whirls of water. Makoshark began thinking of what could be happening. Have things changed? Is Yucca still alive?

Makoshark swam up, flying up the side of a cliff. There it was. Pantala. There were small trees, saplings, and wildlife. Mako looked in shock at the vegetation. This isn't what Pantala looked like when she met, well, found and saved, the lead Chrysalis member of Mantis Hive.

Mako squished her size to a normal dragon and sprung up, leaves brushing away from her from the harsh air. Rain fell from the sky, but she continued onward, heading for Mantis Hive. But halfway there, she faltered and soared down to Lake Scorpion. She hadn't been to her little shack in a while, so when she landed on the beach, she was surprised it still looked like how she had made it. She sighed, padding to the small porch.

The sun glared off the water of the lake. Makoshark also noticed that the sugar cane they had planted had overgrown. Quickly taking care of the crops, she headed inside. It was still neat, the curtains dancing in the sweet, cool air. She smiled, heading to the back room. She was tired, not surprisingly, since she IS over two thousand years old, flew and swam a far distance, and she still has a long way to go.

But I can't use the tunnel. A dragon may spot me emerging and report me. She flopped onto the bed she had in the room, groaning. Her muscles hurt. Immortality didn't come with numbness to pain. She should've thought of that.

She shifted over and picked up a little shell necklace on the side table. "Oh, I forgot about you..." the animus dragon whispered, holding the necklace close. This shell necklace was enchanted to grow to fit the dragon it touched, as well as to not break ever. The reason it had these enchantments was this necklace was made by her beloved Seaglass. This was the only portable memoir of her, so enchanting her shell necklace and Seaglass's pearl necklace to remain intact forever was essential. One of the very first things she enchanted for the love of her life.

A small tinge of pain shot through Makoshark's heart. If only she could have talked Seaglass into letting her enchant the pearl necklace with immortality for the wearer. Seaglass refused, but Makoshark understood. But it still pained her when she remembered that horrible day when she found Seaglass clinging onto a rock, a gash down her neck. Makoshark begged Seaglass to let her enchant something to keep her alive, but Seaglass simply shook her head. "I love you, but it's my time, love." She died in the infirmary later that day due to blood loss. But heirs were hatching in two days, so Mako forced herself to be professional for the hatching.

Those were seven, oh so lonely years of ruling the SeaWing kingdom without Seaglass before an heir challenged her to the throne. The room had gone silent, for those who remembered Makoshark's enchantments knew that this heir would be dead, just like poor Pearl, who was furious and in rage, tried to kill Makoshark. Pearl's death had been an accident, impaled by a loose piece of coral. But to all the bystanders' surprise, Makoshark simply nodded and led her to the throne room of the deep palace. She then crowned the young dragon the new queen of the SeaWings. Queen Aquamarine ruled for a long, long 60 years until dying from a poison that dragons suspected was Makoshark's doing, which was proved wrong when the MudWing queen called Makoshark, the stand-in-queen, for a talk. Queen Stork had told her that a MudWing had convinced one of her cooks to poison Queen Aquamarine. She was right, which ended in the imprisonment and execution of Trench, the cook.

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