Chapter 5

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It was a cold feeling. But also warm. Makoshark doesn't understand these feelings.

She blinked open her eyes. She was in a cave(Jade Mountain?), a few boards and flowers speckled the walls.

 "Makoshark!" A small dragonet squeaked, running from a tunnel, and hugged her tight. She recognized Moonwatcher, the first minder reader AND prophet in centries.

"Oh, Moonwatcher. How is Jade Mountain?" Makoshark asked, pulling herself away from the very-small NightWing dragonet. She shrunk herself down to the size of an adult IceWing, then sat down.

"Jade Mountain is okay, but, please, Makoshark, I need help," Moonwatcher begged, her wings flopped on either side. Makoshark raised an eyebrow.

"What is it? I'm all ears." She answered, trying to sound comforting. This could mean a few things, but Makoshark was not the dragon to think about paths life could take.

"I've had a vision and it's horrible. I don't understand it." Moonwatcher blurted out, standing with her wings stretched out. "It's nearly worse than my Jade Mountain visions. It's another continent, the forests are full of fire and smoke and dragons fleeing SOMETHING. Then it goes underground, a dragon who I can't see but just the outline of is in a cave as it floods then drains and floods and drains and it just repeats! Then a different-looking continent with weird structures, dragons are pouring from the openings, vines wrap around those slower and I don't understand!" She began rambling on, clutching her head. Makoshark pulled the dragonet close, wrapping a wing around her.

"Shhh, it's okay. We can figure it out." She whispered as comforting as she could. Moonwatcher sobbed for a while as Makoshark thought. A cave. A different continent. The other continent could be Pantala or Pantera. "Did you see anything else in the vision?" Makoshark asked, looking at Moonwatcher.

She looked up, nodding slightly. "I saw a river crowded with plants like it was stalking forward to the rest of the continent." She paused then continued. "The second continent had the same looking tree-clutches as the first one, but, obviously, not on fire." Moonwatcher started going deeper about the vision as Makoshark thought. Most likely Pantala. But the cave part. Maybe it was Pantera's cave systems. Probably not, she remembered the CaveWings. Most likely Pyhirria's or Pantala's cave systems. Wait, did Pyhirria have any cave systems? Okay, Makoshark was being stupid, Jade Mountain Academy was literally a bunch of tunnels in a mountain.

"Look, we'll figure it out, okay kiddo?" Makoshark finally said, looking down at Moonwatcher, who had been rambling for the sky knows how long. Wait the sky doesn't exist wait what.

Moonwatcher nodded, then looked at the dreamvistor in her talon, then at Makoshark. With a slight wave, the NightWing dragonet vanished. Makoshark sighed and let herself fall into her own dreams.


Words: 467

Author's Note: This was MUCH shorter than usual, very sorry. But it has been a week since I've posted anything. I've just had no time, been stressed, but here it is! I'm losing ideas for the plot in the middle to bring it to the climax of the story. I have the end thought out, but that will be much later. Have a good day/night reader!

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