Chapter 4

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The librarian sighed, straightening her glasses(which I forgot existed, ANYWAYS) out. She started rewriting the book, being as careful as she could. This task was usually done by other dragons, mostly SilkWings, but now a few HiveWings and rarely LeafWings made book copies. Yucca kept her library quite independent. Her books, except for a rare few, were all copied by talon by her. The normal library residents knew her talon writing well, she thought with a smile.

A gentle knock on the backroom door made her pause. Yucca got up and padded to the door, her wings slightly spread so she could hide the two sleeping dragons. It was a LeafWing, one she recognized as Pine tree. She worked as the plant caretaker, which she was thankful for, because all of Yucca's past plants died within a week of her getting them.

"I'm leaving now. Grandeur, Ladybug, and Frilliary all left as well." She informed the larger dragon. Yucca smiled. This was typical Pine tree, always making sure everything she did was right.

"It's nearly midnight, of course you can leave," Yucca reassured the LeafWing. Pine tree nodded and smiled.

"I'll be off, then," Pine tree murmured. She turned away and headed out of the doors of the library, pausing only to lock it from the outside.

Yucca sighed out of relief. Pine tree was the first, and truly only dragon, to notice that Yucca slept in the library. She closed the door and headed back over to her desk, where the book she needed to copy was sitting there quietly, the pages furled up like wings ready to rocket themselves up.

Yucca sat down, took the quill/pen(? I have no idea what they use to write besides maybe pencils?), and continued her copying.

Yucca didn't know how long had passed before she finished writing the book and setting it to the side. Her internal clock informed her that it had been nearly 2 to 3 hours since she had started.

When Yucca turned around to get her hammock down, a wide-awake Nightsky was staring intently at her. Yucca jumped back, her talon to her chest. Nightsky didn't blink. Cautiously, Yucca waved a talon in front of the younger SilkWing. Nightsky snapped back to reality.

"Oh, you're done? That's quick." They murmured, looking at Yucca with a near blank stare. Yucca frowned. Nightsky had one of the best internal clocks she had seen and they called the 2 or 3 hours quick?

"It took 2 to 3 hours to finish," Yucca answered, raising an eyebrow. Nightsky blinked.

"Yeah, that's what I meant," she replied, slightly slurring their words together. "Long. It took a LONG time!" Yucca sighed.

"Well, you should get back to bed. You probably need rest." The librarian considered, patting Nightsky's shoulder. The SilkWing flinched slightly but nodded. "Good. Goodnight Nightsky." Yucca reached up into the roof beams and pulled her hammock down.

As Yucca settled down, she turned to Nightsky's little area. The SilkWing was curled in a tight ball, the honey-yellow blanket wrapped over them.

As Yucca got situated in her hammock, she paused to think. Nightsky had been acting quite off since Blue, Cricket, and Sundew had been there. She frowned. It was probably just their Metamorphosis. Yucca shrugged it off but kept note of it in her head.

Yucca's eyes dropped, her vision flickering from black to her backroom before she slowly fell into slumber.


Fire. She could only smell fire. Yucca blinked to the present, her wrists turned to face the sky as flamesilk poured out of them. She couldn't move her head or eyes, but she felt the presence of something else looming beside her, copying her movement.

A flicker of cerulean blue scales whirled by her. It was Cerulean, her partner. Her body turned to face him. Yucca bit back a scream of terror.

He had no eyes. Well, he did, as Yucca examined, they were just black. But gooey blackness oozed out of them, staining his perfect snout. He wouldn't stand for that. She knew that very well.

She turned away from him and continued torching whatever structure they both were on. Wait. Those were hives. BURNING hives. She couldn't recognize the one she was torching though.

No. Not her. She WOULDN'T torch up a hive, even though she could, but she never wanted to. She did feel horrible for the LeafWings who stayed in the hives while their villages were built as they came face to face with horrible sights, like the Salvation statue in Jewel Hive and the Mosaic Garden in Cicada Hive.

Crick. Crack.

Her heart started pounding in her chest. There was nothing else that could be breaking except...

The floor slowly dipped down, caving in on itself. Her body and Cerulean were thrown down with the hive roof. She urged her wings to start beating, to fly, to lift herself out of the destruction. But she couldn't. She couldn't do anything as she fell, fell, fell, and fell into the burning hive.


Words: 839

Author's Note: Sorry for the smaller chapter! I wanted to get this out a bit faster. ALSO! I am working on little character profiles for each chapter to signify the character the POV would be in. The mysterious dragon in the prologue may or may not have its own chapter. You can guess who it is in the comments if you'd like.

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