Chapter 3

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Voices. They could hear voices. Oof, this cocoon was HEAVY, heavier than what she expected. Or maybe she was just weak. No, she trained with HIVEWings. Now THAT was a hard thing for SilkWings, they had mocked.

They grunted and shoved her snout through the small tear in the cocoon.

Wait, that wasn't the cool, pale green and blue light of the cocoon. The orange and yellow lights made them feel... disconnected. The world flipped over as she hauled herself out, tumbling, very unmajestically, out of the cocoon.

"Oh! Of course, it would have been Nightsky." A voice exclaimed, dragging a blanket into a fold. Nightsky slowly blinked. Oh, now she remembers. She had started her Metamorphosis in the backroom of Yucca's library.

She looked at the four other dragons in the room, confused. There was only one other SilkWing and they were blue and lavender, not caterpillar and apple green with pale rainbow accents.

"Who... are you all," she demanded, drawing her wings close. The larger dragon didn't seem to care, but the LeafWing would be the first to attack. Take the LeafWing out, larger drago- no wait. The SilkWing is a flamesilk. Get them after the Leaf-

"I am former Queen of the SeaWings, Makoshark." the larger dragon introduced, spreading her wings. "The LeafWing is Sundew, the HiveWing is Cricket, and the SilkWing isssss," she trailed off, looking at the flamesilk.

"Blue. My name is Blue." He murmured. 

She raised an eyebrow. Wait. Do dragons even have eyebrows? Dragons have scales, not hair or fur. What is going on. 

"Wow. I didn't think a SilkWing could have that dark of scales." Blue murmured, looking at Nightsky's scales. Oh no. They knew they weren't like a normal SilkWing, but they always lied about the odd black sock-scale things, she had no idea how to describe it.

"Now that you think about it, she looks like she has more black scales." Queen Makoshark muttered, lowering her head to eye level with Nightsky.

"Are you a hybrid?! Of a HiveWing and a SilkWing?!" Cricket asked excitedly, practically bursting. Nightsky shied away from the bubbling HiveWing.

"Eeeeee yeeaaaahhhhhh no. No. Absolutely not." Nightsky shook her head rapidly. "I have Z E R O yellow, orange, red, or goldish scales anywhere." Cricket frowned.

"It makes no sense." Sundew grumbled to herself. They all looked at her in confusion. She hissed. "WHY does she match this description..." She furiously turned a page, gritting her teeth.

"Sundew..?" Blue asked, tilting his head. She shook her head.

"Oooooooooo, she's figuring somethings outtttt." Makoshark gidded, shrinking and going into a more loaf position. Nightsky jumped back slightly, blinking at the sudden height change of the Queen.

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