Part 11: Death Trap (cliff hanger)

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"Chres wait!" I said running after him. We were behind the school, the school was on a heel and at the bottom was a tragic jam. "Please don't do it!"

Chresanto looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"Why shouldn't I? They all know and now they probably hate me." He choked out.

"Chres why would they hate you?"

"Because I'm gay. I knew how much our school hates gays. I just didn't know I could get so much hate from a teacher."

"But.. You can't try to kill yourself just because people aren't as brave as you. You're brave enough to accept this change, they aren't."

"Whatever, just leave me alone."

"No. Come on. You can't end your life, that's just so selfish. Think about your mom and your dad.. Other family members."

"They hate me. My family wants nothing to do with me. My mom doesn't care and my dad doesn't want a fag. He wants a son."

"You're not a fag, you're gay. It's not the same. One name is hurtful and the other is who you truly are. Please stay here.. On earth. I could tell it would make a big difference if you were gone."

"What would be different?"

"Well.. I wouldn't get my ass beat so often."

He chuckled a little. "No for real, Perez."

"The basketball team would be shitty as fuck. The girls would be lonely because they have no one to flirt with. Parents would be sad because the smartest guy in school isn't here to help them. And Jacob what about your bestfriend, you want to leave him after he's been here with you threw everything?"

He looked down and let out a tear.

"I don't."

I quickly pulled him into a hug and pecked his cheeks. He blushed and smiled a bit. He then looked deeply into my eyes. It felt weird but I just wanted his suicide feelings to go away.

He pecked my lips then I felt his heat beating against mine. I pulled away not liking the feeling.

Suddenly the teacher came running out and within seconds most of the school was behind her.

"What the fuck is going on?" Chres yelled.

The teacher charged him. She started shouting at the top of her lungs wile poking him in his chest.

"Stop!" I shouted but she didn't stop.

I tried pulling her off but she slapped me to the ground. I don't know what the hell is going on but it needs to stop. This is getting completely out of hand, why the fuck is she mad?"

"Someone call the fucking police!" I yelled and people quickly reacted.

"Chresanto August, who in the hell gave you permission to walk out of my class, huh? You know what? It's about damn time you took your gay ass out of my sight! I can't fucking stand fags they're so discustimg! I mean.. Do you think god wants a man to be with a man? No! Why are you disobeying god? You're a disgrace to this school." She screamed.

"Please.. Leave me alone." He choked out.

"Die." She said and with out another word she pushed him off the heel.

It was so fast, his body quickly rolled into tragic.

A riot began. Everyone started screaming and panicking, it wasn't good.

"Chres! Oh my gosh, chres!" Zonique yelled before running down the heel, putting her life in danger.

I got out of my shocked state and started beating on her. I didn't care. She tried to end a life and that's not what I'm about.

I yanked her hair causing her to fall to the to the ground and started throwing punches to her face. She then flipped me over and did the same. My face was getting all bloody, could feel myself weekening. Of corse I knew karate but I forgot she know it too, she was stronger.

Jacob L. Appeared from nowhere graving her hair, pulling it making her stand up straight.

He got close to her ear. "Did you really just do what you did? Did you not only hurt my best friends feelings, but push him into tragic off a mother fucking heel trying to end his life? He let go of her hair. "He deserves to die? No bitch. You do."

He threw a lit match at her instantly catching her in fire. My eyes lit up. I couldn't let this happen. Chresanto might have died going down that heel and I didn't need Latimore getting life in prison, life just wouldn't be the same.

I pushed her over and rolled her down the hallway causing her to go out. Just as she went out, I noticed that the fire had not gone away, it rubbed off on the floor.

"Oh shit!" I yelled. "Today is just not my fucking day!"

I looked around for something to put it out but found nothing. The flames got bigger and everyone was running around screaming like the world was ending. Not the world, just our life.

Running to the closed exit, I seen that it was no longer there, flames took over.

Where the fuck do I go? I seen students and teachers going in one direction down a now unfamiliar hall. One teacher even helped the unconscious burned teacher. But no one saw me.

I then headed for the hall that everyone was going threw when suddenly I hear a crash. I noticed that I was on the ground with heavy wood on my head.

"I can't see! I can't see!" I yelled.

I tried removing the wood that was on my head and on my leg but I couldn't. Shit, my fucking leg hurts.

"Help, I'm stuck? I'm trapped!" I screamed.

No one was coming for me. Man I'm gonna die. I'm really gonna die.

"PLEASE HELP ME!" I cried. "Help! Help! Help!!" My voice sound annoying and desperate.

"Jacob?!" I heard someone yell.

And just before my consciousness faded away, I felt someone grab my hands.


A/N: Cliff hanger! Hope you enjoyed or felt some type of way. Leave a comment . :) ❤️

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