part 2.) Getting Detention

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It was pretty warm outside considering the fact that it was still winter but whatever, it's nature... I ain't complainin'.

I walked into school still kinda sour from last night so I walked a different hall to avoid questions from my nerdo friends.

"Yo Jacob." Someone called.

I sighed and turned to my joyous friend. "Yes Ray."

"Hay Jake, how come you haven't been in school in like forever?..."

"I've been busy."

He lifted one brow "Doin' what?"

"Damn Ray! Quite asking so many damn questions as soon as I get here!"

"Well sorry for caring! You come to school every couple months all beat up, like, your my best friend Jake, i have to question that! That's causing me to believe that your Getting abused at home or something!"

"W-Why you say that? I mean Pssshh, naw I'm not!"

"Well, I'm Sorry.... But anyway, did you study for mrs. Briggs test today?"

"Did I?" I splat.

"Right you weren't here!" He chuckled.

"Shut up!" I chuckled lightly but said seriously.

"Okay. Come on, walk me to class."

"Nah, i gotta clean out my locker. I'll just see you when I get there."

He nodded and walked away.

Dang, it's really been a wile sense I've last been here. Last time i was her was before Thanksgiving break... Today was..... Let me see... January 20th. Dang.

The bell rang to let us know we had five more minutes to get to class so I closed my locker and tuned around to only meet eyes with the piece of crap himself.

"Hey!" He said.


"Where have you been?"


"Why you so fu*kin jumpy? If i was gonna hit you, you woulda been hit!" He splat.

"S-sorry." I said.

"Now let's try this again. Hay Jake."

"H-hay Chres!"

"Better." He pushed me into the lockers and ran off to class. I got up and dusted off and got to class... Two minutes late.

"Your late Jacob!" Mrs. Briggs said.

"Sorry, I'll just be taking my seat now."

"very well Mr. Perez."

"I looked over at Ray and he was giving me the 'man you lucky look'.

Walking over to my seat, Chresanto tripped me earning a chuckle from the class.

"Thank you Mr. August and see you in detention!"

I got up and once again dusted off and went to the back of the room next to Ray and Zonnique.

Me and my nerdo friends, Zonnique, Coco, Jacob L. And Of course Ray, sat back here.

The cute and sweet Zonnique was actually popular... Just prefers to hang with us. She's also best friends with Bahja and Breaunna and Chresanto.

The beautiful Coco and I were besties sense pre. I'm the only one who knows her name, 'Sreven 'Coco' Jones' And were really close besides me and Ray... And Z... And... Never mind.

Jacob L. was just as popular as Zonnique. Shoooot he dates Zonnique! But he coo people... He coo people.

Ray... Rayan Lopez, he's my best best friend no ifs or maybes about that. He knows all my secrets and i know all of his, I'm there for him and he's always there for me...... always!

"You okay?" Zonnique asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You sure? I told him to stop pushing my little Jakey around like that!"


"Sorry, i just don't know whats gotten into him, he's usually so nice."

"Yeah right, I thing we both know that he's a bully by nature!"

"No really he's not, but you know if you want Jacob could talk to him and put him in his place."

"Nah, that's okay... I don't wanna be the cause of the end of their perfect relationship."

"Right." She nodded.

"Excuse me Miss Pullins, why are we having side conversations during class?" Mrs. Briggs asked.


"Nonsense, you and Mr. Perez, detention after school!"

The class chuckled.

"Mr. Lopez and Mr. Latimore...detention!"

Jacob L. Grunted in anger. "What!? The whole class laughed!"

"Now you have two hours. Would you like three?"

He kept silent and calmly shook his head.

"uhhh, this is gonna be a long day." I whispered to myself.


This was originally in the first chapter but wattpad deleted it, but i snuck and re-did it in school for the past three hours but anyway...

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