My rage!!! Skull, go kill every... no wait please don't...

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So it's like this:
To make the long story shorter, our temporary principal have decided to make my twin sisters class Teknikprogrammet 1 (= the technology program) join my class Naturvetenskapsprogrammet 1 (= the science program) and become a big class off 34 students cause it will apparently save the school 0.5 million kronor (= crowns = Swedish currency = roughly 58k USD). Of course there's a big issue then it comes to this. There is only 32 places to sit in a classroom, will two people have to stand? Placing one more table in the classroom is not possible since it would destroy our way out and there is a security law that says that it has to be a few centimetres of space between each table so you cand escape faster in a bad situation. Of course there is at least ten more reasons why we shouldn't be joined.

The question is why does the temporary principal want to save money?
Well apparently, each year the school get 55% of the students that goes to the neighbor school with the jounger years but this year the students from that school is 40% wich means the school will go minus because the school doesn't have enough students (for each student the school gets it will get money from the state), so since he could save most money from this he decided to do this.

The swedish school system:
The swedish school has two semesters:
The school year start in august between 20-29
One weeks break in the middle of the semester
The first semester ends around 15-20 december
3 weeks of winter break
The second semester start the week after new years
A few weeks into the semester we have one week break we call sports break
Around easter is the easterbreak one week of crouse.
The second term end around 10-15 june.
10 weeks summer break.

6 years old: Year 0. You start with easy math and writing, but plays for most of the time.
7-9 years old: Låg stadiet (= Low stage*) 1-3 The basics, and we kinda like starts for real. Start learning english in the third year, easy like counting 1-10 in english. Obligatory
10-12 years old: Mellan stadiet (= Middle stage*) 4-6 The secondary basic stage, more advanced english. Obligatory
13-15 years old: Hög stadiet (= High stage*) 7-9 We start with reading other languages like french, spanish and german. Obligatory
16-18 years old: Gymnasiet (= High school) 1-3 We finally begin to study the subjects that we need to read to get our dream works. Separated between jobpreparing programs and collagepreparing programs. Free to chose wether or not you want to.
19-20/21 years old: Högskolan (= Collage) 1-2/3 depending on what you wanna be. The last stage before finding a good payed job. Is like any other collage in the world (I think). Every lesson is in english.

* Roughly translated

I am a freshman of a swedish highschool since I am sixteen soon seventeen. ^-^

My and my twin sisters class will go into a 'war' against the principal and the township council. >_

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