Ene from mekaku city actors

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My wattpad app doesn't listen to me anymore! I can't open some of my chapters and fix them... but fret not I have my school computer (Yes in my country you get computers from the school but if you want to have it after graduation you have to buy it from the school. Our school was the last ones to get the computers, every other school in my country got their computers the second or first day of last semester (in August) while we got ours the last day (in December))

Well I thought I would do som story telling on at least on happening in my life.

A few years ago I was very jealous of one of my classmates who drew better than me and said "She's so talented and got it all from the beginning" it didn't take long after that until I got attacked with "She has also worked really hard!!". And now I regret ever saying it.

If think it was the same year as the incident before but oh well. At the same school and in the same class we drew drawings that we pictured in our heads while the teacher was reading a book. I was almost done with it then the incident happened. Someone had, during lunch break, taken up my drawing and drawn with a green felt-tip pen a huge X over MY WHOLE DRAWING!!!!!!! My god, I was SO angry but I couldn't do anything but redraw the whole picture again since I didn't know who did it!!!

Well anyway thanks for the request heartless_mafia I have a hard time drawing those kind of characters so it will truly be a challenge.

Now I've drawn Miku and Ene, only Black Rock Shooter left...

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